The journey from there to here
Published on August 19, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc
DISCLAIMER: In the article to follow, understand that I hold "prolife" to be a moral position, not a political one (for this reason, this article is posted under "misc" rather than "politics". I would have posted under "religion", but those articles are usually consigned to a slow and painful JU death). I have grave concerns about overlegislating moral views on a public that does not necessarily share them.

I am unapologetically, unequivocably, and unchangeably prolife. A prolife view, to me, means the following:

*Anti abortion
*Anti War
*Anti death Penalty
*Anti poverty

With the understanding of that definition, I will address my view more thoroughly.

First, as a Christian, I believe all life is sacred, and human life especially so. We are unique among creation in that we are the only creation not simply spoken into creation, but bearing the very breath of God himself. No life, even that of an animal, should, in my opinion, be taken unless in some way its death is to serve a greater purpose (ie, food, clothing that isn't easily or practically attainable by other means).

Now, to the individual issues:

*Abortion: I believe life begins at conception, and, as a Christian, can cite Bible verses to support my position. One inherent problem is those Bible verses aren't widely accepted outside judeo-Christian circles. This is the area that's hardest in the area of legislation, as every limitation, every loophole that is given to try to minimize abortion has great potential for exploitation. The one area in which I am absolutely opposed on this issue, however, is when federal funds are involved. The practice of abortion is morally reprehensible to many within this country, and that revulsion is not limited to the Christian community. I will refer back to my views on this in the final section

*War: war is the willing, wanton destruction of human life and is, as such, reprehensible. Sadly, however, it is in an imperfect world sometimes necessary. I feel that it is never better than the lesser of two evils, and it should not be set upon lightly.

*Death Penalty: From a scriptural standpoint, the authority is certainly given to the government to put an individual to death. But I find it wholly ironic when Christians who repeatedly defer to the argument that we live in an age of grace would lean heavily on the Old Testament in their justification of governmental executions. Though the death penalty is usually less barbaric than the crimes the executed committed, we must also remember (as with the situation of the inmates at Gitmo), that we need to sometimes rise above our base and banal instincts. Giving moral justifications for killing of any kind once again gives a loophole that people will exploit to justify their own actions; and thus, we create a climate of destruction (I have no doubt that Kleibold and Harris felt that the students they killed at Columbine were justly executed).

*Poverty: This is one of the positions on prolife that generates the most controversy. I have heard opponents scoff "well NOBODY is pro poverty", which is, I believe, entirely wrong. Businesses that refuse to pay a living wage, that cheat their employees out of wages earned for any reason, and discriminate between ANY two people doing equivalent jobs, with equivalent experience, etc, in regards to pay, benefits, what have you, are SOLIDLY pro poverty, as are stores that inflate prices in poorer sections of a community and reduce them in the more affluent sections, or increase them in rural areas as well. A pro poverty position is an anti life position, as poverty is one of the greatest contributors to death in this country. Greater incidents of mental illness (often organic and attributed to a poor diet), greater infant mortality, greater instances of heart disease and environmentally acquired illnesses all go hand in hand with poverty in this country. This ties back to the abortion issue in that, the opponents of abortion do not make the same protest over the conditions of the poor that lead a woman into a feeling of helplessness, and often into the feeling that abortion is the best thing she can do for her child.

Those who read me regularly know I am not a "bleeding heart". Far from it. But I DO believe that some very real, very important, moral issues are raised through our culture's inconsistent on the value and content of life, and I believe it's time for more individuals to step up and address the hard issues with hard questions and equally hard solutions.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Aug 19, 2004
As you saw in my earlier post my daugher was born at just 32 weeks - some women have actually had late term abortions this far along in pregnancy. I invite any person who feels that is acceptible to take one look at my daughter now Link and tell me I made the wrong decision. I have been told that having children so young was crazy and that abortion would have kept me out of poverty and that I would have had a more fulfilling life if I had just done so. But I personally feel that having my children helped push me in life, it helped motivate me to go to college to get my degree, to take a step up in life instead of a step down. My message to women considering abortion is be strong - show the world what you are really capable of.

on Aug 19, 2004
Gideon: I enjoyed reading your views. As to the abortion issue, I agree with you in that:
I believe all life is sacred, and human life especially so. We are unique among creation in that we are the only creation not simply spoken into creation, but bearing the very breath of God himself.

I don't think that there are many, if any, people who like abortion. I have political views on abortion, but I won't inflict them on this thread. I do believe, however, that most people . . . prolife and prochoice . . . wish there was less (or none at all) abortion, and the difference in opinion kicks in in their views on the government's place in the issue (for example, prolifers might see making abortion illegal as a way to lessen the number of abortions by not allowing women to openly obtain one, whereas someone who is prochoice might feel that because abortions will go on whether legal or not, that women should at least have access to an abortion that will be safer and less likely to cause reproductive damage or death).

I tend to be prolife in all the ways that you are prolife as well. Excellent post, Gideon.