The journey from there to here
Published on August 18, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc
OK, one of my other blogs got me to thinking.

One of the things I love most about Americana is the way every small town in America has their own festival, something that makes them unique. For instance, Cleo Springs, Oklahoma has an annual "Watermelon Festival", Oshkosh, Wisconsin has its "Sawdust Days" (so named because the city, a former lumber town, used sawdust for fill in much of the formerly swampy downtown area), and so it goes.

But the one that elicited the biggest laugh from me was the town of Butte des Morts ("Hill of the dead"). Every year, they host their annual carp festival. Now what cracks me up is, I can hear the founding fathers discussing what festival they wanted to make their town unique, and some old guy standing up in the back, shouting "We got CARP!". It's a hilarious visual in my mind, but I digress. They serve smoked carp (tolerable), carp chowder (as disgusting as it sounds; it's PINK, for cryin out loud; if I ever want some good fake vomit, all I have to do is pick up some carp chowder at the carpfest), and assorted other delicacies, as well as the usual festival fare.

So, on that note, I would like to open this thread to you. Please describe the oddest town festival tradition you have ever experienced.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Aug 19, 2004
You know, when the popcorn festival started in Marion, Ohio, I thought it was just silly and would be a total flop. It has turned out to be the largest festival of it's kind in the country, according to them. Pink carp chowder does sounds disgusting. I love small town festivals!
on Aug 19, 2004
As do I, WF, thanks for replying.

One of my book ideas is a book entitled "Off the Interstate", as I often go out of my way to find communities that are off the interstate and explore them. The reason for this is, communities on the interstate become "touristy" and artificial, as they have to deal with travellers on a daily basis, and they put up a front so they don't get dubbed as "backwoods yokels" (or they do, depending on which they want to accomplish). I have found some of the best smalltown festivals to come from there. I shall have to attempt to make the popcorn festuval sometime.
on Aug 19, 2004
[steals "Off the Interstate" idea, runs to patent office/publisher]

I'd buy it.

We have a lentil festival. I've lived in the place for 20 or so years and have never gone, thanks in part to what my mom likes to call "lentil loaf" and I call "sickness baked too long and covered with ketchup."

on Aug 19, 2004
Also Huckleberry Festival, with I attend annually.

Um, isn't "soiree" a word you're not allowed to use outside of Manhattan and London?

on Aug 19, 2004
[steals "Off the Interstate" idea, runs to patent office/publisher]

Even if you took the title, I'd do it better

We have a lentil festival. I've lived in the place for 20 or so years and have never gone, thanks in part to what my mom likes to call "lentil loaf" and I call "sickness baked too long and covered with ketchup

lol...I shall have to try that someday. I am the king of (so much so that I was once dubbed "Neil" [from the character on the Brit Sitcom "The Young Ones"]).
on Aug 19, 2004
Even if you took the title, I'd do it better


There's also an Onion Festival around here and a raw onion eating contest. (Mmmm. Anyone who is married and enters that must sleep on couch/in backyard for a week.)
on Aug 19, 2004
The popcorn festival really has gotten huge. They have a free concert with some pretty good groups. I've seen people I never would've had the chance to before. Ohio actually has some lovely ones. Lots of apple butter and pioneer festivals. Gourd and pumpkin ones. I'm just terrible, I love them all. The hayrides and pie contests. Geesh. I had a dream for a while of getting a camper and my daughter and I traveling across American taking pictures and writing people's stories. I bet your book would sell well! Go for it!!
on Aug 20, 2004
Plbbbbbbbth! There's also an Onion Festival around here and a raw onion eating contest. (Mmmm. Anyone who is married and enters that must sleep on couch/in backyard for a week.)

Depends on what kind of onions. I might have to check that one out sometime.

and, for the record, I'll use "soiree" any durn time I wanna
on Aug 20, 2004
The only one I'm really aware of is "Jesse James Days", in Northfield, MN; wherein they celebrate the fact that Jesse James tried (and failed) to rob the bank, eventually leading to his being captured. (And he failed in spite of the fact that the vault door was not actually locked when he came in to rob it! Always check the knob before you try to break a door down.)
on Aug 20, 2004
Ok, in defense of Ohio, i did enjoy the medeival faire this year and last....mainly because its so different. Its on weekends only for 6-8 weeks, runs from 10 am to 7pm, theres no electricty, they have a few man powered rides, lots of performers that interact with faire goers and interesting contests like fencing, bawdy tales and limericks, and wooing. Each weekend is a bit different, some feature Celtic performers, or they have a Pirate theme, or something like that, and the locals are encouraged to dress the period, interact and role play.

We had a blast this year, a mud-pit performer named squishy gave my Hubby a hug and got Him dirty, so we spent the rest of the afternoon, (while walking around enjoying other shows and activities, like drinking yards of Newcastle Brown Ale) trying to hire an assasin to *kill her.* The only taker was the Royal Beekeeper, (Ben Stung) and we were supposed to work out the details of our dastardly plot the following weekend, but bad weather that week prevented us from making the money we needed to go back again.

Sounds like a grand old time.

PS, LW...if I'm ever doing a reenactment and you happen to attend and need an assassin, I'd be glad to do it. Assassinations are my specialty, and I even have a variety including slow and painful (you can learn a LOT from the Brits!)
on Aug 20, 2004
and, for the record, I'll use "soiree" any durn time I wanna
