The journey from there to here
OK, folks...this is where I need your help as more veteran bloggers.

I want to launch a good google bomb, just to say I've done it. Can anyone give me good articles on how to do this? I would appreciate your input.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Aug 14, 2004
Write about the far out fantasies of people on line, some of who have illussions of granduer...some of whom even think they are billionaire knights of the square table. Good luck!
on Aug 14, 2004
I dont even know what a google bomb is bro

Please explain?

on Aug 15, 2004
Here's how I described Google Bombing way back in my second article:

'The gist of google bombing is that Google's results are based partly on the text used to link to a site. Theoretically if enough sites used the text "Gene Nash" to link to my site, I would again make the list and hopefully rise back to the top. The primary and easiest way to do this? Blogging. A cabal of bloggers use their linking power to manipulate search engine results. '

Here's the article I linked to: That should tell you what you need to know, plus give you more links.