The journey from there to here
Published on August 11, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging
Apparently, there is at least one joeuser who has a very serious problem with the content of my blogs. Fortunately, that user was swatted as effectively as I might down a gnat (thank you for the tools for this, Brad!).

It did get me to thinking, though, as most critical posts do...and I quickly reached a conclusion.

The conclusion I reached is, this is MY blog. While I will "play nice" while venturing on other people's threads, the topic and content of my blogs is something I choose. I do not feel the need to be "politically correct" in my assessment of a given situation, nor should I. I try to be somewhat sensitive to some individuals, but, to be honest, sometimes I just need a time and place to vent.

This brings out the question: What is a blog? It is not a professional piece, nor is it affiliated with any of the major news networks. Though I may comment on current events, I can and will do so with my personal spin on the situation. I see this blog as a wonderful opportunity for you to get to know me, and I you. This cannot happen if I am edged towards intellectual dishonesty in the name of satiating a minority. The subtitle of my blog says "anything and everything blogs desienged to provoke free thought and discussion", and I feel that, in that area, I deliver. I do not promise anything more, and, frankly, as it is amateur work, I should not be held to providing anything more.

I dearly love and appreciate my readers on this site; I have always gotten interesting, informative replies to my blogs. And while we haven't always agreed, your insight has helped lend balance to the equation, and I respect that. But when one descends below the argument into personal attacks, they've gone too far. Rebut my position, please refrain from a display of utter contempt for me as a person (unless it's on your blog, then, hey, go to town).

Thanks for letting me vent.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Aug 11, 2004
What is a blog? It is not a professional piece, nor is it affiliated with any of the major news networks.

For a long time now, even before Sally's "Is blogging the new journalism" piece, I have meant to write an article called "This Isn't Journalism." Frankly, even I don't feel responsible to uphold journalistic standards in most of my articles because they are not news stories. They are at best op-ed pieces, and often not even that. In that regard it is not my responsibility to be fair or unbiased or to spend hours researching and presenting all sides.

It is ridiculous to expect untrained, amateur writers to behave like the highest paid newshounds. It is equally ridiculous to criticize op-ed pieces for holding a point of view. They are designed to express opinion. I somehow doubt these critics go on the blogs that agree with their position and demand that those authors apply these same standards and present the other side there. Fairness is only demanded of those with whom they disagree. It's not a legitimate complaint.

Okay, rant off. If nothing else that gives me a nice start to that article I've been putting off for ages.
on Aug 11, 2004
I agree, Gene.

While I am trying to hone my skills to make a serious living at writing, I am not for the most part a writer of nonfiction (exceptions are in areas such as religion, where I can solidly stand behind everything I have written; the reason I do not on here is most people don't have the time to wade through 50 footnotes).

It's always been nice to have your input as a professional journalist; I think too many people look at talking heads on a screen or scan the headlines and think that is what journalism is, without realizing the countless hours of research (much of it unpaid) that goes into putting together a quality article.