The journey from there to here
...and so it goes.

Recently, we've been "blessed" with another new blogger who basically creates a caricature of all the decent, well reasoned liberals I know. The person basically is pure vitriol, and it amazes me how they can't see it. I won't give specifics, but there are so many contradictions to this individual it isn't funny.

This brings me to the title of the post. While I have seen some rather antagonistic joeusers, the majority still "play nice", and will back down if they're getting too offensive and get called on it. I think it is surprisingly callous to come on a blog, go on article after article of users you DON'T agree with, just to ridicule them and their belief system.

Let's use this example: If you were Muslim and I came on your post repeatedly, trashed Islam and called you a moron for believing in it, how long do you think the conversation will remain civil? This is why I refer to the person as a CARICATURE of liberals; I would not want the vast majority of TRUE liberals (who actually DO respect differing views) lumped with them.

Message to the individual involved: next time you have issue with someone, please try to find a civil way to say it. As for me, I don't care; you just hit the blacklist.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Aug 10, 2004

His initials wouldn't be MP, would they?  I had someone respond on my Lynndie England thread yesterday - told me I was 'empty headed' and 'mindless', and that I basically didn't know what I was talking about.  I've never seen him before yesterday, and I haven't blacklisted him...yet.

I'm sure the day will come, though.

on Aug 10, 2004
No, it's another gem...but I'll keep my peepers open.
on Aug 10, 2004
Great article Gid. If I can add anything from my experience: new bloggers would do well to build up a surplus of goodwill before engaging in debate. Whether it be through a joke of the day, an enlightening article, or an encouraging comment, good people do good things and it helps to establish that you are not a jerk should there be any doubt.
on Aug 11, 2004
Exactly, David...I think too many people look at the comments of established bloggers and just jump right in and snipe articles...not the right way to start off, if you ask me.