...and so it goes.
Recently, we've been "blessed" with another new blogger who basically creates a caricature of all the decent, well reasoned liberals I know. The person basically is pure vitriol, and it amazes me how they can't see it. I won't give specifics, but there are so many contradictions to this individual it isn't funny.
This brings me to the title of the post. While I have seen some rather antagonistic joeusers, the majority still "play nice", and will back down if they're getting too offensive and get called on it. I think it is surprisingly callous to come on a blog, go on article after article of users you DON'T agree with, just to ridicule them and their belief system.
Let's use this example: If you were Muslim and I came on your post repeatedly, trashed Islam and called you a moron for believing in it, how long do you think the conversation will remain civil? This is why I refer to the person as a CARICATURE of liberals; I would not want the vast majority of TRUE liberals (who actually DO respect differing views) lumped with them.
Message to the individual involved: next time you have issue with someone, please try to find a civil way to say it. As for me, I don't care; you just hit the blacklist.
signing off,
Gideon MacLeish