The journey from there to here
Published on August 8, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc
OK, for those of you who actually read my thread on my friend who went into the lengthy discussion of the procedure to remove his boar's testicles (see "I don't care how bug your boar's testicles are), I was reading through the paper last week, and Lo! and Behold! Here's boar testicle guy on page 1.

I have known him for some time, he is a prominent member of a strain of Christianity with which I heavily disagree, but I haven't let that get in the way of being friends with him. The article was actually written about his life and conversion from being part of an Aryan biker gang to Christianity. It was a well written article, but reading through it, I couldn't help repeatedly wondering if the reporter got the "boar testicle" lecture as an added bonus.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish"

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