The journey from there to here
Published on August 3, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging
It has been interesting of late to see the response to JU's "shock bloggers". While this is yet another post on a subject that's been heavily addressed, I'd like to add my perspective.

First, I find that, in principle, shock bloggers borrow heavily from shock jock tactics, only instead of an auditory medium, they use visual. The idea is simply, say the most annoying thing you can think of, stand back and watch the flames, and realize that all the negative attention is good publicity. Shock jocks or shock bloggers are just another tawdry form of pop art; it is the way our teens have chosen to rebel because, in this age of permissiveness, we've left them few areas where they can really make a definitive identity statement for their generation. It is performance art at its lowest, and frankly, I'd rather watch a mime.

I wonder if Springer's got a blogsite yet...

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Aug 03, 2004 make a good point....I can see a good many people on here just writing something heavily controversial and sitting back to watch an argument spark up. Some teens, I'll admit do this because they have no other opinions but please try not to lump all of us in that kind of category.....the bloggers I associate with don't do this kind of thing and more than half are, don't jump to conclusions....I know you're not really bantering on this, but to try and stop a fight before it starts I write this anyway....

on Aug 04, 2004
Hmm, interesting point. I say interesting because I recently posted saying one of the ideas behind my blog was to prove that it's possible to be a left wing shock jock (there are none of these in Australia). Yet I find it hard to be inflammatory for the sake of it. I try to back up what I say with facts and good argumentation and then I deliberately go over the top in my interpretation and my insults. This isn't so much to get lots of traffic, but really just to test the idea out. It would be nice if there were diversity among shock jocks in Australia. Yet I read your piece and wondered if perhaps I should go back to not hiding behind an alter-ego and write what I really think. But then what do I really think?
on Aug 04, 2004
It's almost impossible to be a left sided shock jock, because there are so many crazy left wing kooks out there, the right isn't particularly shocked by anything that comes from the left... they have heard it all before, and it usually gets discounted for ridiculous diatribe anyways... Michael Moore is a perfect example... he is descrediting everyone from the left's opinions because he is not objective at all...

Champas - I hope you always write what you really think mate!!! dont worry about shock value, or what anyone else thinks, if they discount what you say, based on what someone else has said, they are only doing themselves a diservice!!!

on Aug 04, 2004
I just call em trolls.
on Aug 04, 2004
I try to back up what I say with facts and good argumentation and then I deliberately go over the top in my interpretation and my insults.


As one who comes from another side of the political spectrum, I frankly have enjoyed your posts. I don't always agree with the positions you take but find your presentations to be insightful and your manner to not take the argumentative tone. Please keep blogging as you are, it works, and it makes JU a stronger place.

Some teens, I'll admit do this because they have no other opinions but please try not to lump all of us in that kind of category.....the bloggers I associate with don't do this kind of thing and more than half are, don't jump to conclusions....I know you're not really bantering on this, but to try and stop a fight before it starts I write this anyway....


You are another intelligent poster. I don't consider you to be a shock blogger.

It's almost impossible to be a left sided shock jock, because there are so many crazy left wing kooks out there, the right isn't particularly shocked by anything that comes from the left... they have heard it all before, and it usually gets discounted for ridiculous diatribe anyways... Michael Moore is a perfect example... he is descrediting everyone from the left's opinions because he is not objective at all...


Not much to say except to hit you with an "insightful"

I just call em trolls.

I like "muppets" better.
on Aug 04, 2004
I think Jerry Springer has a few blogs here....