The journey from there to here
Published on January 2, 2008 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

My on again, off again dieting is on again. Now, it's not total yoyo dieting, as I didn't revert back to my biggest weight (at my worst, I neared the 400 pound mark; I got down to about 280 and plateaued; for the last four years I've been about 320), but still, I've gotten sidetracked on getting to my goal weight of 250 (I should probably be lower, but I figure I'll aim for 250, see how I feel, then go from there. Baby steps.)

So it was with some delight that I stepped on the scales last night and saw that I'd dropped 10 pounds. I'm not anal about scale watching, so it had been awhile since I checked, but still, it's good to see progress.

One of the benefits of the new school is that it has a fitness center so I will be able to get in there regularly. I intend to put it to good use. The goal is to get a good bent this spring and ride to work 2-3 days a week.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 03, 2008
I am really glad that they are excited! I am sorry I forgot about you saying something about what happened. A good dad and husband will alway make sure that his family is treated right and fairly even if that means moving somewhere else to live. I wish you and your family the very best of luck in the future. I was really glad that I got to meet your wife and children. I'll be looking forward to hearing that you have your B.B.A. and are head to your Masters. Good Luck! Tell your wife I said Hi!
on Jan 22, 2008

I'll drink to that.
on Jan 23, 2008
Oh yes, one day they'll be old enough to leave, and leave they will.

If they've got any sense, they'll run screaming and will NEVER look back.

I've never said this to anyone before, but I'm going to say it to you: I hope that CPS removes your children from your care. I do believe it's the only way they are going to stand at chance at being whole, undamaged human beings. The older ones have probably already suffered psychological trauma at your hands and who knows if they're ever going to be able to overcome it.

I have called, am calling today, and will continue to call to make sure that you and your poor children are never far from the minds of the authorities in your locality. They're going to find you; it's only a matter of time. I think that I'm going to go buy a bottle of champagne - and when I hear that you've been found and your children have been removed, I'm going to bust it open and celebrate.

It's only a matter or time; you can't run forever.
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