The journey from there to here

OK, Now that the dust has (almost) settled and everything came out OK, I can share a story from last week, with a MAJOR word of caution.

A customer brought in a Dell Inspiron 1501 processor. The more I find out about these things (sadly, I own one), the more I am convinced they are overpriced, overhyped pieces of garbage. The computer had been running slowly and we didn't detect a problem when it came in earlier for repair.

The problem was that the CPU usage spiked to the 90-100% range as soon as Internet Explorer was deployed. Repeated A/V and antispyware scans showed nothing. Disabling all startup programs, antivirus and firewalls did not affect the massive CPU usage. We went through the running processes item by item and found nothing to give us concern. The only thing we did find was that the computer was reading only a single core of the dual core processor (a problem I have with mine and which, unfortunately, I just may have to bear).

So we attempted driver updates and tried to flash the BIOS.

Big mistake.

HUGE mistake.

Just for the record, consider a Dell Inspiron 1501's BIOS non-flashable. Because a failure will destroy your motherboard, something we found out the hard way (why Dell even SUPPORTS a BIOS upgrade on its site is beyond me at this point!)

Fortunately, we were able to get Dell to recitfy what should be regarded as THEIR mistake and issue a replacement mobo and RAM. But this happened last Friday afternoon, and I was pretty upset about the whole thing. I called it a day shortly afterwards, resolving to finish working on it after the weekend. After all, when you reach a certain point, it's better to grab a cold beer and deal with it later, I've found.

I'm just very glad I'm not a doctor. If "losing" a computer shakes me up like this, I'd hate to see what happened if I lost a patient!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 28, 2007

I remember the first hard drive I fried. It was only a 20mbyte one.  But it sure stank!

And yea, I am glad I am not a doctor too!

on Dec 28, 2007
same here not that I know anything about all that stuff you are on about Gideon MacLeis all I know is I am glad I am not a Doctor cos I hate being sick at the best of times let alone being without my computer
on Dec 28, 2007
Something like that happened with my Dell. Same issue. I updated the BIOS and got the famous white screen of death. Nothing worked and I called them about it and we had some pretty heated discussions. They fininally broke down and sent out a repair man. Well, he ended up putting in a whole new mother board, but it still did not work right. More discussions with Dell and more time spent on the phone then I want to remember. Finially, they sent me a new computer.. Now keep in mind that this all happened with in 60 days after purchaseing the computer. I will never buy a computer online again. What a hassel... Sorry about your troubles. I can really understand your frustrations...
on Dec 28, 2007
My family has always been a big fan of Dell. I must say, however, that I feel Dell has slipped in the last few years. I think they have traded their individual customer dedication for the lure of corporate buisness contracts. This is just my opinion.
on Dec 28, 2007
My family has always been a big fan of Dell. I must say, however, that I feel Dell has slipped in the last few years.

Seriously, up until the last several months, I endorsed Dell heartily. I agree, they're slipping...badly.
on Dec 28, 2007
Aw, I dunno, being a doctor would have it's benefits... I could prescribe me some happy pills for when I'm feeling a bit blue... some maxalon for when I'm feeling a bit green, and a strait jacket for if I ever ended up with a Dell.

The more I hear about the modern Dell, with its bloatware and operating issues, the more I'm determined not to touch one with a ten foot pole.... but still, me thinks I'll err on the side of caution and have a strait jacket on hand anyway, just in case someone happens to give me one.
on Dec 28, 2007
Heh..and to think I read this because Mari still wants to be a doctor.

Since everyone else is telling fried mobo stories, mine was from when I tried to install a new video card. While the computer was on! *sizzle* That was many moons ago, but still...What an idiot.
on Dec 28, 2007

While the computer was on! *sizzle*

I love the smell of silicon in the morning.

on Dec 28, 2007
Who'd want to be a doctor...
on Dec 28, 2007

If "losing" a computer shakes me up like this, I'd hate to see what happened if I lost a patient!

It sucks.  Big time.  Even when it is the best thing for the patient and you saw it coming.

on Dec 28, 2007

I'm just very glad I'm not a doctor.

I'm glad you're not a doctor too ...

on Dec 28, 2007
Well at least a doctor's patients don't burst into flames when a mistake is made.

Well, ok, not usually anyway.
on Dec 28, 2007

Doctor is certainly a job I wouldn't want...

Dell hardware?  eh, mixed results with that stuff myself.   We've had a rash of power supply failures in a batch of Dell Optiplex systems at the office.  Out of 50 PCs, we've had at least 10 failures so far (after about 14 months of using the boxes).  Not a great failure rate.

Toss in some other problems we've had with the boxes and it gets even worse for Dell.

BIOS updates wise, never had any issues though.  Knock on wood, they normally run without a hitch and every machine I've ever tried to update has updated without any problem.  I try to keep the boxes I'm responsible for current on BIOS and other firmware.  Keeping current tends to keep away problems with later patches and fixes that Microsoft foists upon the boxes, and I prefer not to spend time dealing with those if at all possible.

on Dec 28, 2007
I'm glad you're not a doctor too ...

lol...thanks for the vote of confidence, jafo!

BIOS updates wise, never had any issues though.

Watch out for those Inspirons. They're overpriced pieces of crap, in my opinion!
on Dec 30, 2007
Dell... have a strait jacket on hand anyway, just in case someone happens to give me one.

OMG! Gideon's trying to drive me crazy!

(And unluckily for me, it's a short trip!)

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