The journey from there to here
Published on December 18, 2007 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

About 7 years ago, I sat in a marketing "class". Oh, don't get me wrong, it contained a lot of good information. A lot of VERY good information, in fact, that I use to this day. But the marketing class was just a sales pitch for the latest Internet marketing company that had set up shop.

At the end of the day, we all received a very nice quality certificate, printed out on quality parchment paper. It was well presented, but all it was, effectively, was a sales pitch.

It was at the moment that I received my certificate that it hit me: degrees, certificates, pieces of paper are all essentially marketing gimmicks.

This is how those correspondence courses, those learn online places, make their money. Often they will offer you the information they are seeking, they just accredit their education to their own standards rather than a national standard, and issue you a "degree" based on their own educational standards. Without any kind of reputation behind it, all it is is another marketing gimmick.

I've spent the last year and a half earning the degree I never received. Now I can actually take credit for earning a college degree, and am working on another. And while there are moments where I think it might have been nice to have earned this degree when I was younger, there's a part of me that is glad I waited this long. Because not only do I value it, but I realize its value.

The degree I am earning is, by itself, worth nothing. Well, maybe the fraction of a cent recycle value that it represents. But the degree itself is utterly worthless unless the education is actually used. It is like a key dangling on a chain. If you find a key while youre walking along the street, do you keep it? Unless you're a packrat, you usually don't. It's just a worthless key, after all, and not worth spending the time stooping to pick up.

Now, then, change the scenario. Assume you find a key, and you know it unlocks a great treasure (for the sake of this analogy, we will assume it's legal to procure the treasure, provided you have the key). What do you do then? You keep it, you guard it, until such time as you can use it to obtain the treasure.

Did the key's value increase? Not one bit. It is still worth exactly what the first key was worth. But the value it REPRESENTS is what increased.

Recently it was suggested that the government should pay for all postsecondary education, up to and including advanced degrees. I disagree with that premise, and this is why. Because it makes no sense to hand out keys indiscriminately to everyone hoping that one or two will unlock the treasure.

In America, we are incredibly fortunate. We have all the tools for learning at our disposal. You cannot go to a city of any size and not find a public library. These libraries have a wealth of information available to anyone who wants to use it. And, in fact, if you're reading this, you are sitting in front of a machine that gives you access to more information than the most well stocked library.

This is what makes the suggestion of "free" postsecondary education useless. Essentially the proposal is that we hand out keys to everyone so that they can unlock their potential. But if they won't walk through open doors to unguarded treasure, why on earth would they use a key to access more closely guarded treasure?

Comments (Page 5)
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on Dec 18, 2007
Daniellost, we have given a lot of suggestions about how a person can fund an education without making free education an entitlement. So far you seem to have ignored them all.

no i have not ignored them.
on Dec 18, 2007

STOP putting the blame on the higher education system, which provides ABUNDANT opportunity, and START putting it where it belongs. On the people who have day to day contact with America's poor but would rather keep them poor so that they aren't put out of a job!

i wasn't. i am actually blaming the social programs, those so called help programs.

and most shelters don't want to lose their clientèle because then they would get less money for their shelters and their pockets.
on Dec 18, 2007
And Arty, I'm kind of disappointed you didn't weigh in on my "Microsocialism vs. Macrosocialism" thread!

My apologies Gideon- I thoroughly enjoyed reading both the article and the responses, but my opinions on that particular topic are.... extensive.... and for me to respond would require writing a mini-essay, which for a fool like myself will take a good couple hours (I like to sit and ponder, it's therapeutic you know!) This is also why I don't write near as many articles as I'd like- because it takes me too damn long. If I don't take the necessary time to compose my words, I end up frothing at the mouth screaming in permanent caps lock, all bold and underlined:


followed by a short dissertation on the benefits of jello. Not something I want to subject the good folks here to.
on Dec 19, 2007
I would need some hard stats to show that the average 4 year state university grad is carrying $100k in debt out the door with them.

I happen to know from my own experience that it is possible to work full time and study in the evenings and pay for everything.
on Dec 19, 2007
followed by a short dissertation on the benefits of jello. Not something I want to subject the good folks here to.

Jello is good.

If you ever do get a hankering, I would be interested in reading your essay tho.
on Dec 19, 2007
Anyway, as is often the case, my point was largely lost. You don't NEED a degree to be educated, nor does a degree guarantee that you ARE educated. A degree simply means you've passed the coursework.

You can get a pretty good education from your local library and the Internet. There's no excuse not to be educated.

on Dec 19, 2007
He's told us on another thread that he has a degree in accounting...

i have a certificate. i went into job corp got a cert.

before i went in they wanted anyone with a cert. to be an accounting clerk. when i came out it one year later, they required 5 year min. exp. and i have never seen it go back down.

but your right, the only job i have held longer than 1 year was driving cab. like i have said i get bored.
on Dec 19, 2007
an education doesn't guarntee nothing. but it helps.

has your husband thought about becoming self employed.

or would you stand in the way.
on Dec 19, 2007
Why isn't Simon working as a 'political philosopher?'

He is. It's called 'blogging'. It doesn't pay very well, though.
on Dec 19, 2007
i wasn't insulting.

a friend of mine here has a computer store. has had for at least 10 years and his wife is still not happy about it. although she has stopped telling him to get a real job.
on Dec 19, 2007

You don't NEED a degree to be educated, nor does a degree guarantee that you ARE educated. A degree simply means you've passed the coursework.

I believe that Mark Twain once said, "I never let my education get in the way of my learning" (forgive the misquote if I got that wrong). Very true to this day!

on Dec 19, 2007
Getting a degree is an investment just like any other. Some investments pay off and others don't. I think the only difference is, too many people expect a degree to come with guarantees, even if they don't expect them from other investments.
on Dec 19, 2007
So if one choses to study in the library and through teachers willing to tutor outside of university,does that make that person uneducated because of no paper?
If so then who gave paper to the first teachers?
on Dec 20, 2007
If so then who gave paper to the first teachers?

on Dec 22, 2007
a farmers son goes away to college for four years.

when he comes home. his dad asked him what he studied. he told his dad that he had studied agriculture.

his dad says you could have learned that from me, i have been doing it all my life.

so the two of them get in a heated argument over it. mom decides that they need to have a contest to see which one is best. so they both get a box of soil. dad plants the way he always has. the son does what he was taught in school.

when the contest is over the son wins. dad goes into the bedroom packs his bags and heads out the door. his son ask him where he is going.

dad says he is going to college.

now the meaning behind this for this thread is that dad knew what he was doing. but with the education his son was slightly better than the father at it.

no there is are no guaranties in life. and yes there will be those who won't do anything with it, this already happens. and yes there will be professional students but guess what we already have them too.
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