The journey from there to here
Published on December 9, 2007 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

(Disclaimer: This article is a parody and not to be taken seriously):

"You have the right to free speech
As long as you're not dumb enough to actually TRY it!"
(The Clash, "Know Your Rights")

You don't need to look very far to see places where people have abused their freedom of speech:

I guess I don't need to say much about this one. Fred Phelps and his group have protested funerals of every high profile death in this country, creating bitterness and tension.,2933,313690,00.html

This news story has dominated the headlines lately as well. A teacher allows her class to name a teddy bear Mohammed and faced incarceration for it.

And lest we forget, there was the issue with the Danish cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. All of these are glaring examples of people using free speech irresonsibly.

I guess what I think we should do, is stop allowing people free and unfettered speech. We should allow them to speak, to blog, and to write under heavily supervised conditions where their writings and speech cannot be allowed to affect the public at large. Those who choose to exercise their free speech in strictly supervised conditions should at all other times be placed under heavy guard, and monitored 24 hours a day, every day of the week every day of the year.

Every time a criminal, ever a found guilty of any felony, never gets to speak freely ever again. Nobody ought to have the ability to speak freely and do it at home, kids are taking ideas to school, and offending others.

People who have legal access are taking them and offending others. People get angry, they snap, but what they do is go out and say things that offend people, using words as bullets, and ammo, and they offend lots of people.

If we take free speech out of the equation. People can't offend other people with words.

I know that everybody is gonna be pissed about this idea, but I want to hear what you think is wrong with trying to do this.

on Dec 09, 2007

better question

what isn't wrong about this
on Dec 09, 2007
the constitution allows free speech. as long as you are not trying to start a riot.

but free speech can only be used in a public place.

a grave yard even if owned by the federal government is private space.

a mall is also a private space. the public road outside of these places is public.

but the courts may limit a groups free speech if it feels it is necessary to keep the peace.
on Dec 10, 2007
"You have the right to free speech
As long as you're not dumb enough to actually TRY it!"
(The Clash, "Know Your Rights")

I think Ice-T's 3rd album was called "Freedom of Speech... Just Watch What You Say." Speaking of 1984, (as on your other article) there's an absolutely chilling track on that album that's basically the announcement being made in the streets by a totalitarian government. Good stuff. I'd wish everybody could hear it, but I know not everyone would get anything out of it.

on Dec 10, 2007

The end of the article was almost directly parroted from someone wanting to take away another one of your rights with the exact same proposal. That's why this article.
on Dec 10, 2007
Speaking of 1984, (as on your other article) there's an absolutely chilling track on that album that's basically the announcement being made in the streets by a totalitarian government.

I'll have to hunt that one down.

The Clash quote has become a favorite of mine as it is proving increasingly true (which, by the way, was the reason I chose my current case you were wondering. I might have to see if I can find a picture of John Hurt's Winston Smith (which, sadly, most of today's generation would probably think was an outtake of Chancellor Sutler, Hurt's ironic turn in V for Vendetta).
on Dec 10, 2007
Well, I was going to say you are basically imprisoning the innocent to protect them from the guilty.  But after reading your note to Daniel, I think I know who the parody is.
on Dec 12, 2007
Gideon, I'd like to tell you what's wrong with this idea, but I'm sure that you'd find my arguments offensive in some way. And it would be sick and wrong for me to offend you thus. Therefore I am obliged to agree with you after all that it's a great idea and should be implemented at once.
on Dec 12, 2007
Gideon, I'd like to tell you what's wrong with this idea, but I'm sure that you'd find my arguments offensive in some way. And it would be sick and wrong for me to offend you thus. Therefore I am obliged to agree with you after all that it's a great idea and should be implemented at once

Do disclaimers not work anymore? This was a direct parody of someone's equally offensive suggestion that we throw away another one of our rights.

Ahhh, well...I guess I'm pissing in the wind explaining it. Do they even TEACH reading comprehension in our schools anymore?
on Dec 12, 2007
Do disclaimers not work anymore? This was a direct parody of someone's equally offensive suggestion that we throw away another one of our rights.

Ahhh, well...I guess I'm pissing in the wind explaining it. Do they even TEACH reading comprehension in our schools anymore?

sorry i didn't get it any more than the clueless one would
on Dec 13, 2007
Speech? *psh* Let's throw away all our rights. Not like we know how to use them anyway.

Big Brother knows what's best...he loves us.

on Dec 16, 2007
Sorry, Gid, I guess my attempt at dry humor was lost in translation or something.