The journey from there to here
Published on December 7, 2007 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

This last week has given me an interesting change of perspective. For those who don't know, I spent the better part of last Saturday and early Sunday literally crippled with gout.

Over the week, as I've been evaluating things and learning more about my condition, I have been intrigued with how readily we embrace foods that literally poison us with no afterthought. Being crippled, even if for less than 24 hours, makes you think about those things.

I'm hoping this is the beginning of some very positive changes, but I'm also realizing I didn't get into this condition overnight and I won't get out of it overnight. To go from failing health to genuinely healthy will be a long journey, and it's going to mean making conscious decisions about what I eat every day, every meal.

The sad thing is, I live in an area where genuinely healthy foods are very, very hard to get. Most of the grocery stores don't carry enough of what I need to make up an interesting diet, and as a result, I have made some pretty poor dietary decisions that have come back to haunt me.

I realize this journey needs to be made one step at a time, but the first steps really stink!

on Dec 07, 2007
Good luck with your detoxification diet!  If one of your problems is gluten, look into Spelt as flour alternative.  It's makes great breads and biscuits!
on Dec 07, 2007
Check out some of the vegetarian and vegan websites for both good info on healthy foods and how to find them as well as some great recipes to keep things from getting boring. Most grocers do carry a good selection of healthy food choices, you just have to learn how to find and identify them.
on Dec 07, 2007
Good luck with the gout remediation!  I know that low cholesterol diet the doc likes to put me on is for the cows.
on Dec 07, 2007
Hi Gideon,

There might be a solution in Hydroponic Gardening. A friend of mine built her own garden, it is quite a unique system and it means you get A grade veggies plus it is fun and relaxing and one gets to work out while growing DELICIOUS foods ... plus the money save....?? link


on Dec 07, 2007
"The preservation of health is a duty. Few seem conscious that there is such a thing as physical morality."

Herbert Spencer (1820 - 1903), British philosopher