The journey from there to here
And Why It Ain't Over 'Till it's over
Published on December 5, 2007 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

Mike Huckabee's been making waves in the GOP primary race. I had wondered why, but hadn't paid horribly close attention.

I have, of course, long known who Mike Huckabee is and why he will always hang on at some level. But I admit I was somewhat taken aback by his recent poll numbers. Huckabee is and has always been a Republican's Republican. He's been doing the prolife lecture circuit for many years now, and has long been a favorite of conservative kingmakers. But it was his recent endorsement by conservative icon Chuck Norris that brought him up to the front of the pack.

Celebrity endorsements will be an interesting feature of the up and coming race. Hillary Clinton has Barbara Streisand (come on, has she REALLY done anything relevant recently?), Obama has Oprah (whose cultlike influence over far too many American women could possibly split the vote between Othello and the Shrew). And now, Mike Huckabee has Chuck Norris.

Frankly, I wish American voters would vote on the issues. But I guess as long as we're going to make the Presidential race our national popularity contest, there are WORSE things that could happen than having Walker, Texas Ranger by your side.

on Dec 05, 2007
Has Babs done anything recently?  Aw, comon!  She got Rosie to bastardize her show for her!
on Dec 05, 2007
When you're in Texas, look behind you. 'cuz that's where the Ranger's gonna be.
on Dec 05, 2007
Politicians will do everything to get the people's vote and a walk in celebrydom is always what they will do! Americans love their celebrities, at least most people do!
on Dec 05, 2007
I also heard yesterday that Jerry Falwell Jr and Jerry Junkins (co-author of Left Behind series) have both come out as well for Huckabee. Other than that, I haven't heard any other evangelicals come out for Huck.

I had no idea who Huckabee was until about a year or so ago (maybe less) and I think it was before he even entered this race. I heard him speak on the radio and was quite impressed wanting to know who I was listening to having no idea he was the Governor of Ark. So when I saw him as one of those running in the early days, I immediately knew he was the guy I would seriously look at. So far I have not been disappointed.

on Dec 06, 2007
Barbara Streisand (come on, has she REALLY done anything relevant recently?)

Yeah, she's done James Brolin.

Wait, you said "relevant." Never mind.

on Dec 06, 2007
When you're in Texas, look behind you. 'cuz that's where the Ranger's gonna be.

Hey, don't Hassle the Hoff. No wait, wrong celebrity.

If David Hasslehoff endorsed a presidential candidate I would definitely vote for him/her.
on Dec 06, 2007
I just write in David Hasslehoff.
on Dec 06, 2007
I just write in David Hasslehoff.

Is he still in Germany making movies?
on Dec 06, 2007

I haven't been able to find Huck's stance regarding immigration and a record to support it. Do you have a good link I could read?
on Dec 06, 2007

Well, since Huckabee's experience has been at the state level in a non border state, I'd guess the record would be rather limited, but I'll give it a look see tomorrow at work when I have more bandwidth.
on Dec 06, 2007
Much appreciated.

I've been able to find very little and the question really came about when on Fox they asked him about the tuition for Illegal's. Immigration is becoming one of my front running issues. I like Huck on many other issues but am concerned about this one.

Thanks again.