OK, so my calendar says today is Veteranarian's Day.
What did veteranarians ever do that was worth a day to themselves. One time I had this dog, a cute little Pomeranian. It got sick and we had to take it to the vet, and he didn't do nothing for her. He just told us we had to put her to sleep.
And another time, my little cat frisky, had worms, and did the veteranarian actually DO anything? No, he gave her pills. I could have bought pills. They have them at our local grocery store and I could have just walked right up and bought a pack for five bucks. FIVE BUCKS! They charge you that much just to look at them at the vet clinic.
Veteranarians are great, don't get me wrong. They're there when you need them, and they certainly know more than I do about horses, cows and things. And don't get me started on...
What's that...
(Happy Veterans Day for all you vets out there!)