The journey from there to here

Throughout my life, I have always been told that Republicans are the party of the rich, and Democrats the party of the poor. This is likely because Republicans have traditionally been associated with conservatives and Democrats with liberals (the truth of those stereotypes is not something I will discuss in the body of this article; it's too tangential).

What I have noticed that feeds this stereotype, though, is that conservatives are better business people than liberals. And because people associate conservatives with republicans and business people with the wealthy, this is a stereotype that holds.

The reality of WHY conservatives are better business people than liberals hit home this last week. I needed to find a hard drive for one of our customers (I am head of the PC Repair Department, a promotion I may have mentioned) at work. I found two hard drives, one from our list of approved vendors, the other from Newegg, per my boss' suggestion. The Newegg hard drive was far superior, it was larger and more reliable (a 250GB Seagate Barracuda) than the vendor's offering (an 80GB Western Digital), and I duly submitted both quotes.

The president's decision was to go with the smaller hard drive because it came from our list of approved vendors. In other words, the customer received lower quality for a higher price simply because of the politics of going through approved vendors (we do not receive commissions from either source).

I felt, and still feel, it was a bad business decision, but as an employee I have no choice but to follow my management. Although I did chalk it up to a bit of personal experience for the future.

How does this relate back to the topic? Because the president's decision, I feel, was more typical of that of liberals in this country. They do not look for the best solution, because it is not their money, and they aren't worried about spending it as efficiently as possible. A true conservative, on the other hand, sees themselves as a steward, and always looks for the most efficient way of doing things.

Put simply, conservatives are better at spending other people's money.

The role that our politicans have failed to recognize for themselves is that of being stewards of a public trust. See, every paycheck, we put our money into a public trust known as the federal government. And our federal government chooses how and where to spend it. Only they don't see themselves as trustees, they see themselves as rulers.

The one fatal flaw in that is that the United States was not meant by its founding fathers to HAVE rules. If our country were functioning as intended, power would flow from the people upward, not from our leaders downward. That's what "of the people, by the people, and for the people" means, just for the civics geniuses out there.

As I have stated before, more efficient does not always mean cheaper. In the example used above, I could have saved the end user $20 and purchased a cheaper, inferior hard drive that was smaller than both the WD and the Seagate. But the end user would have lost in the long run. As a steward, I believe it is my responsibility to look at the best quality for the best price.

We need a governmentled by true conservatives. Not people who care about what people do in their own homes; that is not the role of a steward. But people who care about the public trust they were elected to protect, and who spend their money accordingly.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 08, 2007
Conservatives make better business people, but libertarians make better governments.
on Nov 08, 2007
A true conservative should BE libertarian, jythier.

After all, isn't it horribly poor stewardship to expend government resources enforcing morals laws?
on Nov 08, 2007
Yay, I can be convservative and libertarian, because one's an ideology and the other's a political party! Woohoo!

I find it's often the government's job to set a tone of integrity, but not to enforce a moral code, no.
on Nov 08, 2007
At least not the FEDERAL government.
on Nov 08, 2007
If your analogy is true, then it goes a step further.  Entrepreurs are Conservative, Business managers are liberals.  Your story is indicative of large corporations.  As well as government.
on Nov 09, 2007
Good article, good arguments. I would however venture that 'conservatives' tend to make better business people not because of their political affiliation, but because of the cultural and educational background that tends to generally be included with such an upbringing. I do not believe that a person's ideological beliefs necessarily translate into better skills in a certain avenue of life. I used to be conservative, for most of my life actually. Now that I am no longer of that persuasion, have I suddenly become a stunned fool when it comes to handling money? Perhaps.... I DID splurge a little too much on dinner last night......
on Nov 09, 2007
Perhaps.... I DID splurge a little too much on dinner last night......


If it was your BOSS' money, then your liberal conversion is complete! LOL!

I don't know if you ever crossed paths with Myrrander, Artysim, but he brought up an excellent point that what we are looking for in our government is efficiency more than anything. You may be "liberal" in the sense of supporting the government underwriting of social causes, but it sounds as if you are reasonably conservative in how the money should be SPENT, making you somewhat of a hybrid between the two. I don't hear you arguing for expansion of SCHIP to middle class families, or the other absurdities that characterize many of the American left.

Your brand of liberalism I can tolerate even when we disagree, because it's not the pervasive tax and spend liberalism we see all too often. It's tempered with a little bit of fiscal responsibility.
on Nov 09, 2007
I think the left has been confused with idiots. IE, the liberals want social security, SCHIP, etc, but the idiots want it expanded to middle class, and everyone under $80,000 to not pay taxes while everyone making over $1,000,000 pays 90% in taxes.
on Nov 09, 2007
I think the left has been confused with idiots. IE, the liberals want social security, SCHIP, etc, but the idiots want it expanded to middle class, and everyone under $80,000 to not pay taxes while everyone making over $1,000,000 pays 90% in taxes.

Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself. --Mark Twain.
on Nov 09, 2007

And things are seriously screwed up right now because our President is not a conservative.  He might be part of the religious right wing but he is certainly not a fiscal conservative.

I totally agree that we need our government to be a good steward with our money, I just have no faith that it's going to happen.  That's why I want the government to have as little say over how my money is spent as possible.  More charities and businesses will benefit from the way I handle my money than what the government does with it.

on Nov 09, 2007
Because the president's decision, I feel, was more typical of that of liberals in this country.

first of all, i suggest and order stuff for clients alla time and newegg is almost always my vendor of choice.

beyond that, you've not established whether your guy is liberal or conservative--only that you feel his decision is somehow typically liberal.

why you feel that way is beyond me.

preserving status quo is the essence of what is generally considered conservative or associated with conservative decisions. you may or may not remember the once frequently proclaimed warning about the danger of doing otherwise: no one ever got fired for buying ibm.

having said that, it seems to me your boss' attitude has more to do with herd thinking than it does a conservative or liberal approach to anything.

on Nov 09, 2007
why you feel that way is beyond me.

simple, kingbee.

Please point me to someone who espouses liberal programs who pushes for efficiency. While such people DO exist, they are generally pushed to the fringe, and, when they exist in the Democratic Party, derided as DINO's.

I have not yet met a single liberal politician who has seen the tax base as anbything other then a large money pool into which they can dip at leisure, drawing more money whenever they need it (I haven't met MANY "conservatives" who act that way either...but that's basically my point).

When the liberal establishment is crying because President Bush won't expand SCHIP to families making $80,000 a year, something is wrong, kingbee!
on Nov 10, 2007
something is wrong, kingbee!

a whole buncha somethings are wrong...but that has very little to do with the example you've cited.

deciding to stick with an approved vendor in compliance with company policy is--by definition--a conservative strategy. (another thing i don't understand is why a company president is so constrained by company policy but...) we who do not work there have no basis except for this one instance on which to decide whether he is or isn't a good businessman.

it also seems to me fiduciary responsibility--rather than mere efficiency--is what should be exercised by public office holders. and it's hardly the sole province of either side of the aisle. if only those who pillaged the savings & loan industry during the 80s--as well as those legislators who enabled them to do so--hadn't been quite so efficient, it would have cost us all far less.
on Nov 10, 2007
It is always hard to refute anecdotal evidence, which after all has the ring of "truthiness" to it. How do you respond to "I knew this guy and he bought the wrong hard drive because he was a Liberal?" But let me offer some more high-profile counter-examples:

Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft Corporation, is a long-time Liberal and contributor to the Bill Clinton campaign. As is Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, co-founders of Google and many others who have found success on the Internet. As Liberals, they seek change and embrace new opportunities.

Angelo Mozilo, CEO of Countrywide Financial, is a long-time Conservative and a contributor to the Republican party. CFC just posted a quarterly loss of $1.2 billion dollars because Angelo failed to detect a change in the economic winds.

Not too worry. Angelo is calling in his Republican markers to ask for a government bail-out. That makes him not a Conservative you say? Shall we list the companies owned by self declared Conservatives that have benefited from the Bush 1 and 2 and even Reagan administrations?
on Nov 10, 2007
Conservative does not equal Republican and Liberal does not equal Democrat.
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