The journey from there to here
I'm younger than that now
Published on September 6, 2007 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

In a soldiers stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not that Id become my enemy
In the instant that I preach
My existence led by confusion boats
Mutiny from stern to bow.
Ah, but I was so much older then,
Im younger than that now.
(My Back Pages,
Bob Dylan)

A couple of recent projects have really made me think about the person I once was vs. the person I am now. Over the years I've travelled a path I could not have even remotely imagined at 18, nor at 22 during my first, botched attempt at college.

Part of the change had to do with marriage. The best treatment for know-it-all-ism is often marriage (although recent experience with some couples have led me to believe this treatment doesn't always take). For most of us, though, if we start flying too close to the sun, we can count on the spouse to remind us that we are generally being buttheads.

Part of the change had to do with aging. I look in the mirror and it doesn't usually seem like I've aged much. Still no grey hair, still no receding hairline, and that signpost with the big "4-0" ain't that far in the distance. I'm hoping I'll get my Bachelors before I get there. I guess I've picked up a little wisdom on the road back there somewhere.

Part of it had to do with faith. Oh, sure, I'm still way too much of a hothead. I've mellowed in some ways, become more passionate in others. While it may not always seem obvious, I DO tend to pick my battles.

Parenthood had a lot to do with it as well. There's nothing more humbling than when you chide your child for doing something, then stop and realize they're just copying you.

And part of it had to do with a number of things I can't so easily define. Friends, life circumstances, things I've read or listened to...To list them all would take forever.

I'm starting to see that at some points in life, as parts of you get older, some parts get younger as well. I'm not as embarassed to do something stupid, because I know there will be a tomorrow. At 18, there's no way I would get up on stage in front of 100 people and play the guitar and sing. And DEFINITELY no way I'd be bold enough to add some of the choices to my playlist. And certainly no way I would have the confidence that has carried me so easily through this go round at college.

At 22, I thought I understood the words to Bob Dylan's "My Back Pages". Now, at 37, I realize I'm only starting to.

on Sep 07, 2007
The best treatment for know-it-all-ism is often marriage

and all this time it's seemed to me marriage was much more likely this huge petri dish placed into a very warm, dark location from which even more virulent strains are dispersed.

At 18, there's no way I would get up on stage in front of 100 people and play the guitar and sing

it was only because i was 18 (actually a lil younger) it never occured to me i might be makin a fool of myself in public. knowing as i do now it's not only possible but almost guaranteed i'm finally able to work at not making myself a bigger fool than is absolutely necessary.

At 22, I thought I understood the words to Bob Dylan's "My Back Pages". Now, at 37, I realize I'm only starting to

you're not alone in that. acquiring experience takes so damn long and is rarely anything but a drag, but there is usually some sorta eventual payoff (keeping in mind, of course, dylan's lyrics are most of what makes him so important).
on Sep 07, 2007
Don't be musing how old you are and how old you feel... I turn 37 in November. Thanks a lot. ::
on Sep 07, 2007

There's nothing more humbling than when you chide your child for doing something, then stop and realize they're just copying you.

Or just doing what you did at their age.

on Sep 07, 2007
Getting older ain't that bad, Gid...consider the alternative.
on Sep 07, 2007
Getting older ain't that bad, Gid...consider the alternative.

I dunno...anyone ask ol' Neil if he ever rethunk the whole "better to burn out than to fade away" thing?