The journey from there to here
Published on September 1, 2007 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

As we come into yet another Presidential race, we're again going to be pressured to choose between candidates from one party or another to represent us in leadership. As a techie, I can't help but think of how this is oh-so-similar to the O/S wars, which I see played out on the forums all the time.

How are you supposed to choose between two options when they BOTH suck?

As in politics, computer manufacturers have long been able to get away with offering limited options and features. As the field of qualified providers narrows, then the options become slimmer and slimmer. And the manufacturers are cool with that; the more standardized and generic they can make their machines, the cheaper they can produce them and the higher overhead. And in politics, the more standardized and generic the candidate, the less time and effort wasted "courting the electorate". Why go out and shake hands with the (UGH!) masses if you don't have to?

Do we deserve a better selection? NO. Why? Because we haven't got the guts to demand it. For all the talking and postulating about how dissatisfied they are with each party, most Americans who actually do vote will line up next November without even considering the possibility of other options. It's Democrat or Republican, by golly, even if I agree with virtually NOTHING either candidates have to say. Or, in the computer field, Mac or Windows, without even thinking of other options.

In politics, as in operating systems, there are other options. There are third party candidates out there who have something to say, but get silenced by the (guffaw!) "free" press! There are fully stable Linux operating systems out there, but they still remain unused due to the notion that they cannot perform the tasks most end users expect.

When we refuse to demand choices, we get what we deserve. Higher cost, lower quality. If we would stop for a moment and embrace the capitalist principles we SAY are so important, we might, just MIGHT, find ourselves in a better situation.

on Sep 01, 2007

It is an interesting comparison, and I can see where you are coming from.

And, just like in looking at an alternative OS, looking into alternative candidates takes some effort.  Sadly, the majority of us (I include myself in there) are too lazy to really look into things.

on Sep 02, 2007
Yea, but is Mac Democrat or Republican?
on Sep 02, 2007
Yea, but is Mac Democrat or Republican?

Democrat. All smoke and mirrors, marketing based on innuendo and outright lies, intolerance for dissent (different hardware platforms). Definitely Democrat.