The journey from there to here

I detest abortion. I think it is a disgusting practice, and I think it is a damning indictment on our society that we accept it as casually as we do.

But I do not believe it should be made illegal. I believe there are better solutions.

See, according to the data I have read, there are situations where an abortion may serve a medical purpose. According to what I have read, these instances comprise the minority of cases, but I do not feel when these cases exist that a doctor should have to consult an army of lawyers to prove that the procedure was, indeed, medically necessary. And while it is my opinion that many of our doctors have questionable educational philosophies that have directed their education, I nonetheless am more than willing to defer the expertise to these men, who are more knowledgeable in the area of medicine than I. After all, one can always seek a second opinion if they don't agree with a doctor, and doctors themselves will readily admit to not being infallible (well, MOST of them will anyway!)

What I oppose is the public funding of elective abortions. As I have said before, if NARAL wants abortions, let them hold a bake sale. Don't do it on the public dime.

I have not once, but six times, experienced the joy of fatherhood. Of watching the progression of pregnancy. Of seeing photos long before a fetus is viable of a well formed child, a child that deserves a chance. I reject the notion that as a man, I have no right to an opinion. Morals are not gender specific, they are pretty solid, and they don't "change with the times". Right is right, and wrong is wrong. And abortion is always wrong. The only question is, does it prevent a greater wrong (ie, the death of the mother), which would make its presence, while distasteful, at least acceptable.

I also reject that ANYONE can say they think abortion is wrong and argue vehemently for abortion on demand. If you believe something is wrong and you endorse it, you are WORSE than those who believe it is right and do it. You are the ultimate of hypocrites, because your actions are inconsistent with your words.

I don't subscribe to the ideals of most groups who label themselves "pro-life" (because, in my experience anyway, they aren't). I don't protest, don't hold up signs, don't label women who've had abortions. But I feel very strongly and very decisively that abortion is wrong, and that it is my moral obligation to speak out against perceived wrongs. And it is only with the greatest reluctance that I concede it should probably remain legal.

And that one issue, ironically, is what excludes me from the "party of tolerance" they call the Democrats. Ironic, isn't it?

on Jul 29, 2007
I think this abortion should be within the 'state rights department' Let the people of each state vote.
on Jul 29, 2007

"I also reject that ANYONE can say they think abortion is wrong and argue vehemently for abortion on demand. If you believe something is wrong and you endorse it, you are WORSE than those who believe it is right and do it. You are the ultimate of hypocrites, because your actions are inconsistent with your words."

I don't think you will find anybody who thinks abortion is a good thing. It is a tragic situation. I don't think any woman skips off to the abortion clinic thinking that it's no big deal. If that makes me a hypocrite, in your opinion, so be it. So the proper stance would be abortions are awesome, every woman should have at least ten. Then I wouldn't be a hypocrite. Come on. I can think that abortion is a tragedy and still not want it to be illegal. I don't think that's inconsistent.

I support the Ryan-DeLauro legislation that aims to reduce the need for abortions. It will increase education and resources for contraception. Also support provisions which will help woman that would find having a child a financial struggle. It helps to provide healthcare for pregnant women and young children who lack access to care. It will also provide childcare assistance and include an adoption awareness campaign.
on Jul 29, 2007
I don't think you will find anybody who thinks abortion is a good thing.

Well, then, I have to say that you don't know that many people in the pro abortion crowd, Loca. I have found that, while the "don't like it, but who am I to tell someone they can't murder their offspring" crowd is strong, the crowd that LIKES abortion is at least equally strong, if not in the majority. I could go over and over again on the genesis of planned parenthood by Mrgaret Sanger, a virulent eugenist, but I've been over this ground many times, as has Bakerstreet, LW, MM, and others...and it still hasn't convinced you.

In the snippet you quoted, I CLEARLY stated the hypocrisy among those who argue for "abortion on demand". But reading in context is something I've found glaringly absent among the left, so I've come to expect it.

Come on. I can think that abortion is a tragedy and still not want it to be illegal.

See, and here we get back into the whole talking out of your ass thing. In your comment, you imply that I am arguing for the illegality of abortion. If you had bothered to READ the article, you would have noticed that I actually argued AGAINST making it illegal. I simply argued that taxpayer dollars should not be spent for elective abortions, even going so far as to put a qualifier that clearly allowed for those MINORITY of cases where the life of the mother is at stake

. It will increase education and resources for contraception. {/quote]

A ridiculous, unnecessary piece of legislation that will do nothing more than siphon more money for the American taxpayer. By cloaking it under the guise of "reducing abortion", dishonest snake oil peddlers like these are gaining access to teach children THEIR sexual mores and values, which run contrary to those of many Americans. It is nothing more than a smoke screen to brainwash America's children

There are condoms available in EVERY health department in America for free, and NOONE in America lacks access to care. That is a myth, Loca, as I can tell you from experience that EVERY poor family in America knows how to get health care if they need it. There's an entire underground built on teaching poor people how to bleed the system.

As for "childcare assistance", again, no thanks. It's childcare assistance from those who brought you CPS, Loca. This will just put more children under the microscope of the CPS so that they can have more adoption mills.
on Jul 29, 2007
Imagine this sentiment applied to any other act involving children that most people find repulsive. "I don't agree with pedophilia, in fact, I think it's horrible and I'd never do it myself. But I'm all for the right to choose pedophilia. Who am I to tell another what to do?" "I don't think burning your toddler with cigarettes is very nice. In fact, I think it's terrible and I wish it never happened. But since it happens anyway, it may as well be legal. The decision lies with the mother, and the mother alone, and our government has no right to tell her what to do with her child."
Exactly, whip. I separated responses because I didn't want to put yours with hers. MM: Yes, letting the states decide would be best. But we can't let a silly little thing like the CONSTITUTION guide our lawmaking, now, can we?
on Jul 29, 2007
I separated responses because I didn't want to put yours with hers.

Oh my goodness, not with HERS. She shall be kept separate to avoid contaminating other responses. Jeesh.

LIKES abortion is at least equally strong

I have never met anyone who LIKES abortion. I guess I run with the wrong crowds.

I did read your article. Very few abortions are paid for with tax dollars. Of course, those who want the terminations to take place earlier should advocate for tax dollars because the reason many women wait to have their procedure is that they have trouble raising the money to pay for it.

NOONE in America lacks access to care

Do you really believe that? Maybe everyone can go to the emergency room but there are many Americans who lack access to health care. There are over 40 million middle-income Americans without insurance. They do not qualify for Medicaid. Many without insurance do not have a regular doctor and do not recieve routine screenings. Many uninsured do not go to the doctor because they cannot afford to.

I don't understand why you wouldn't support this legislation if you truly want to see the numbers of abortions reduced. You have to address the root cause of unplanned pregnancies and the reasons women chose to abort. If they cannot afford to care for a child, they are more likely to terminate the pregnancy. If they know they will have some governmental help so they and their child can recieve healthcare and they can work because they will have childcare, why not?
on Jul 30, 2007
Maybe they don't pay for the abortions directly, but he US Government sponsors Planned Parenthood. But maybe they DO pay for abortions directly.
on Jul 30, 2007
Do you really believe that?

No, I don't believe that, Loca. I KNOW that. I won't steal LW's thunder, though.

I don't understand why you wouldn't support this legislation if you truly want to see the numbers of abortions reduced.

Because I've seen too many children stolen by the CPS "we can parent your children better than you poor schlubs" organization you seem to hail as the Gods and overseers of us all, Loca. NO legislation leads to smaller government.

I support people doing things for THEMSELVES, not demanding that government run our lives!
on Jul 30, 2007
Very few abortions are paid for with tax dollars.

Bullshit, Loca. The numbers have been thrown out for you, but you'd rather spout PP talking points.
on Jul 30, 2007
See, here's what happens when your wonderful, omnipotent government gets involved, Loca:

Government creates programs. Family A participates, and becomes mired in intergenerational dependency, because they cannot make enough on their own to replace the government checks that come rolling in. Meanwhile, they lose control over their children and their home. Because their home is constantly visited by social workers, they're not allowed to spank their children or discipline them in any way not approved by the mamby pamby parenting gurus who are trying to package the latest tripe. As a result, their children grow up to a life of crime, often ending up in prison or dead by their 25th birthday. Don't believe me? Look at the incarceration rates among children growing up in the projects.

Family B refuses government aid. The minute some asshat makes a call to CPS because they don't like Family B, a social worker shows up at their door. If the family is reasonably well informed, they can usually handle it, but a social worker will demand entry and if the family doesn't know their rights, they will get it. The social worker will then put the family on a "service plan", which, if not followed to the letter, will involve the removal of the children. Or they will remove the children outright, depending on their mood that particular day.

The solution to our problems is NOT the federal government. One of the biggest problems with liberals is they think they can solve everything by throwing a check at it. And often they are making it worse.
on Jul 30, 2007
Guess where she ended up, Gid.

Hardly a surprise. And I make no secret of the fact I did my time back in the day. I owe many of the changes in my life to one judge who wouldn't allow me to become another statistic.
on Jul 30, 2007

I also reject that ANYONE can say they think abortion is wrong and argue vehemently for abortion on demand. If you believe something is wrong and you endorse it, you are WORSE than those who believe it is right and do it. You are the ultimate of hypocrites, because your actions are inconsistent with your words.

I agree with this statement.  It is unfortunate that those who fall into this group cannot see this simple truth.