Today's 21st century anthropology class will focus on the species known has homo cubiclus, the cubicle dweller. While cubicles were an invention of the 20th century, they increased in commonality and function in the 21st Century, when the world was ruled by the Borg collective under the illustrious leadership of Billgatus of the borg.

(A typical cube farm, the habitat of homo cubiclus)
(21st century despot Billgatus of Borg)

(an artist's rendering of homo java, a subspecies of homo cubliclus)
When residents of these cubicle farms would migrate to cubicle farms elsewhere, the other residents would congregate in the abandoned cubicles, often resulting in widespread rioting and looting:

(A cubicle riot spills out onto the streets after cube dwellers find unopened Star Wars collectibles in an abandoned cubicle)
The nearby cubicle dwellers, once satisfied with their spoils, would return to their cubicles to display their rewards in glorious fashion

(The holy grail of the 21st Century, the red Swingline stapler).
Homo Cubiclus was a curious species, known for its sycophantic ways, its fondness for Chinese takeout, and their glossed over bugged out eyes from staring at monitor screens for long eyes. But the species is most noted for its cubicle warfare and borderline anarchy in the absence of visible authority. As a result, although we have few facial pictures of this species in nonaltered, non compromising poses, we have countless recorded images of their backsides. Homo cubiclus is, therefore, a species noted for its posterior features, rather than its facial features.