As the smoke settles on the Virginia Tech campus, it is a safe bet that gun control advocates are hovered in their lonely writers garrets trying to figure out how they can further erode the Second Amendment in the alleged interest of public safety, ironically the very act many of them accuse the Bush Administration (rightly or wrongly is irrelevant to this blog) regarding the 1st, 4th, 5th and other various amendments.
In the end, it is more certain than I'd like to admit that some states or municipalities, and perhaps even the federal government, will be successful in removing guns from the hands of responsible citizens on the spurious argument that someone will use them unlawfully. Every time a story like this makes headlines, the reaction often has far more of an impact than the initial incident.
Yet all of these bills, ordinances, and executive orders that are in their rough draft stages at this very moment miss a very key, very salient point. That according to CURRENT gun control laws, this particular shooter (name withheld to avoid giving continuing media spotlight to a serial killer) should not have had access to weapons in the first place under the regulations currently in effect.
In fact, the very fact that, in a post 9/11 world that ID's five year olds travelling on a Greyhound bus in the name of "Homeland Security", this information was not relayed through proper legal channels to block the sales of these guns when this moron purchased them in the first place, is something that should be investigated. SOMEBODY'S head should roll somewhere (What the hell, pile it on Nifong. They're all damn sutthun states anyway, and most schoolkids can't tell Virginia from NC on a map anyway).
(PS: I DO like the fact that the owner of the website that sold one of the weapons got his plug in on the article. Nice to see that capitalism thrives in the midst of!)