Over the last year and a half, I started to think I would never make this milestone. This is my 2000th article on JoeUser, a testament to staying power, stubbornness, and not a little loquaciousness and inflated sense of self importance.
I could not merely allow 2000 to pass without notice, and over the past week, with this article looming, I have invested a good deal of time and effort in deciding what, precisely, I should offer for my tooth article. 2000 is, after all, rarified air, and very few people have reached this milestone without spamming to get there.
At first, I considered something political:

But then I thought, maybe something religious would be more appropriate:

But I thought some more. Something controversial always gets noticed:

But maybe something reflective, something thoughtful:

And it is ALWAYS my goal to inspire:

It is always my goal, though, to entertain. Something funny would definitely be in order:

Then, I thought, what about an article with a bunch of pop culture images that would net mad google search returns? Something with salacious images of Brittney Spears and Carmen Electra jello wrestling in a tag team match with the Olsen Twins? (sorry, those of you who jetted over from Google...gonna have to look elsehwere for those!) I mean, point whoring is always the most important part of my existence!
Thanks for being here for the first 2000, JU. Here's to another 2000!