The journey from there to here
Published on March 11, 2007 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

Finally! Something I can blame on George Bush!

I woke up this morning to a sight. My clock read the right time, but my phone, my computer, and my car stereo did not. Ok, OK, the car stereo is MY problem, but it's rather new and I still don't know how to set the presets. A+ certified and I still can't fix the clock on a danged car stereo!

My computer, of course, suffers from "not being connected to the Internet-itis". When George Bush made his idiotic decree changing daylight savings time (instead of abolishing it outright!), my computer was unable to catch up. And apparently the yoyos with the phone didn't catch up either. And I'm not going to change the phone because I'm going to have to reset the danged thing in two weeks anyway.

Sometime in the afternoon, the phone caught up. My computer, that's another story. And the car stereo, umm, yeah. That. I'll get to it. But if anything has made me want to jump on the "impeach Bush" bandwagon, this is it!

I think making me sleep past "Meet the Press" counts as a high crime and misdemeanor, don't you?

on Mar 12, 2007
I do not think thast day light saving really helps. In fact rather than save enery it may end up using more.
on Mar 12, 2007
Welcome to the club!  Lost a lot of sleep the night before last, but we finally got everything patched and working.  I am glad I was not the only "victim"!
on Mar 12, 2007
Sleeping past "Meet the Press" qualifies this as a bad day?
For me, watching "Meet the Press" is a bad day. I'd rather sleep.
on Mar 12, 2007
I'm still yawning! I can't get used to it yet but this is only day 2! Yawn!!!! [how many people yawned reading this?!] I mean it's just instinctive to yawn when you read the word right......! [see what lack of sleep does to me?!]
on Mar 12, 2007
For me, watching "Meet the Press" is a bad day

Somehow, I knew SOMEONE would have that!