The journey from there to here
Published on December 15, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Personal Computing

Well, a semester's hard work paid off.

I just finished the second of my A+ exams, the Operating Systems portion. I passed, by the skin of my teeth, but I still passed.

The best part of it is, I completed my certification within my 90 days' probationary period with my employer, a fact that's virtually guaranteed to factor in come raise time.

Now, if you'll excuse me, this new A+ certified tech needs to go take a NAP!

on Dec 15, 2006
Congrats, Gid! WTG!
on Dec 15, 2006
Congratulations geek!
on Dec 15, 2006
Congratulations Gid!
on Dec 15, 2006
on Dec 15, 2006
A well-deserved nap, at that. Congratulations!! That isn't an easy task at all. Way to go!   
on Dec 15, 2006
Congratulations geek!

Now a certified Geek!
on Dec 15, 2006
Now a certified Geek!

I stand corrected!  
on Dec 15, 2006

Somehow I think there's always been a difference between 'certified' and 'certifiable'.....  

I'M 'certifiable'......

Sometimes it just pays to be nuts.....

on Dec 15, 2006
Awesome Gideon...congratulations!

Now to start looking for your MCSE or your Cisco certs
on Dec 15, 2006
Congratulations, glad to see something going right!
on Dec 15, 2006
Way to Gid, Godeon!!! ;~D
on Dec 16, 2006
Way to go!!
on Dec 16, 2006
Congratulations Gideon

I'M 'certifiable'......

Let it be known that Jafo is Certifiably Certified Certifiable
on Dec 17, 2006
Now a certified Geek!

Now I need to get one of those tshirts off of that says "No, I won't help you fix your computer"!

This should be the first of many certs. Next in my sights is MCDST. And next semester I go into studying for my Network+ and Security+.

Somehow I think there's always been a difference between 'certified' and 'certifiable'.....
I'M 'certifiable'......
Sometimes it just pays to be nuts.....

yeah, but "certifiable" makes for a better title.