The journey from there to here
Published on December 12, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

IT IS possible to get too much of a good thing.

While I love the Internet, I'm constantly on it lately. It seems like I'm never offline, because I rarely am. This isn't entirely by choice, mind you, it's integral to both work and school.

So, with the weekend coming up, I have to say I'm quite happy with the fact that, once I leave work Sunday afternoon at 4:30 pm, I do not have to be anywhere until Tuesday afternoon at the same time. 48 hours without accountability to anyone outside of my immediate family. And nearly a month before I have to return to class.

It will be the freest my schedule has been in...well, I honestly don't remember. The trick, though, is to take advantage of that freedom. Tasks that need to be caught up, a guitar that needs to be played, last minute Christmas shopping and crafts, and, most importantly, sleep. Blissful, peaceful sleep.

So if I'm scarce over the next month, you'll know why. If not...well, I may just have to look up LW's old article on Internet addiction in the archives.

on Dec 14, 2006
If I don't 'see' you to wish you Merry Christmas, may you and your family have a wonderful holiday!