The journey from there to here
Published on December 9, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Personal Computing

Well, folks, a couple of days ago, I posted about needing a retro case to mod with contemporary components. The "Holy Grail" of my search was the silver TRS-80 color computer, one of the most easily recognizable of the retro computers. I wanted something that was both distinctive and large enough to do what I needed.

Well, folks, ain't she a beaut?


I'm going to find some old 51/4" floppy drives to mount the CD and hard drives externally to complete the "look". Once I get started on the project, I'll keep you updated here.

on Dec 09, 2006
Was looking on eBay the other day, Gideon [when you posted your request recently, I immediately started looking there] ..there's a ton of them available.

Cheap, too. the way ...good luck trying to shoehorn everything you need into that li'l sucker. Interested to see what you're gonna do about cooling.
on Dec 09, 2006
Was looking on eBay the other day, Gideon [when you posted your request recently, I immediately started looking there] ..there's a ton of them available.

Yeah, there were a good amount out there, but I was looking for <$50 since I'm only gonna use the case. I may test the system and sell the components if they're still good. I found this one for a $25 "Buy it Now" price, and $15.00 for shipping. the way ...good luck trying to shoehorn everything you need into that li'l sucker. Interested to see what you're gonna do about cooling.

It'll be a trick, that's for sure. I think if I put the DVD/CD drive outside the computer itself (masking them by modding the older 5 1/4" drives), and use a desktop form factor, I should be able to make everything fit. One of the tricks is going to be mounting a modern keyboard to the case, but once I have it, I'll get some friends to help me with figuring that one out. As for cooling, that's one of the biggest drawbacks. I may go with a liquid cooling system, but again, will explore the options once I have the computer on hand to check dimensions, etc.

It's going to be a challenging project, but this should be pretty cool if I can pull it off. I may go with a slower PC just because of the cooling challenges; after all, this one is being built for show, not for performance (although performance will certainly be a bonus!)
on Dec 09, 2006
"projection" keyboard? Projects keyboard on tabletop in front of case? Seen 'em...can't remember where just now. Sharper Image?
Could monitor be on top of case, with LCD instead of CRT, and use extra room in monitor case for components/cooling?
Maybe keyboard projected on Lucite panel inserted over original keyboard? From projection lens at top of monitor case?
Power supply in "brick", separately located, to save room and cooling? Large heat sink behind, out of sight, like on top of antique refrigerators?
Just winging it, here..
Will be following this to get ideas for my Lego(TM) case and accessories
on Dec 09, 2006
Will be following this to get ideas for my Lego(TM) case and accessories

VERY awesome concept...will be looking forward to the report on this one.

Good idea with the monitor...I had thought about using a TRS-80 with integrated monitor that way, but the shipping on most of those is cost prohibitive...

Ideally, I'd like the keyboard to be where the original was. I think it's workable, going to work with some car stereo guys on that one, since they deal with similar problems installing stereos in dashboards all the time. I have not ruled out putting the CD facing out to the side (similar to a laptop setup), but I'm thinking the drive setup using the externals would work and still keep the retro look intact.

The keyboard can be purchased at among other places, but to be honest, I think I need the resistance of a "real" keyboard. I might give the projection keyboards a try though.

I like the idea of the external power supply as well. That's another component that could potentially be "masked" in an external drive.

Maybe we could get the admins to set up a "mods" section on the forums...after all, mods are basically the hardware equivalent of skinning.

I'll try to document this project thoroughly, though...I think it should be a blast.
on Dec 09, 2006
I think someone has the bug bad!
on Dec 09, 2006
a "mods" section on the forums

I'll be a regular visitor!

My first PC was an Apple 2e, so my ideas are kind of based on that config. Had two external drive bays and the monitor was separate, sitting on the case. Had to turn the monitor on and off every boot with switches on the CRT itself. From the photo, it appears you've got the start of a superb project.