At the end of September, I will end my tenure as a "media distribution specialist". I will be going to work in tech support for a local company (I'm working on an Indian accent).
I was concerned about the move at first, because it would represent a loss in pay, something that wasn't too attractive to think about. But they're paying me a tad bit better than their base starting wage, and the schedule is 7 days on, 7 days off, which is perfect for someone like me who likes the idea of frequent vacations.
Of course, I'll be working graveyards, and will not have a lot of extra time, what with class, civic commitments, and the campaign. But as I achieve my various certifications (my goal is to study for the A+ exam over the thanksgiving holiday and take my test the week after), my pay level will go up. And, while it is entry level, it is work related to my field. So when i graduate, i'll have two years' job experience.
Just don't call me up on my offdays. I charge by the hour. Gottaa make a living, ya know