The journey from there to here
Published on August 28, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

(Channeling Col. Gollum):

An illegal alien is approaching our border. And the Bush regime is of course refusing to secure our borders, as it has for so long.

When this sinister Ernesto hits, it will be BUSH'S FAULT for refusing to stop this illegal alien at the border. Every death, every ruined home, will be BUSH'S Fault, and he better be prepared to pony up the dough from all the money he's stolen in Iraqi oil with the secret pumps that brother Neil is operating just outside of Bagdad. How many more Americans must die before we stop these illegals?


on Aug 28, 2006
I need a young priest and an old priest...we have to get this guy out of Gid! We certainly can't have him running around in other people.

on Aug 28, 2006
I need a young priest and an old priest...we have to get this guy out of Gid!

on Aug 28, 2006
Boy, everyone is channeling Col Klink lately!
on Aug 28, 2006
Maybe we can get the racist minute men to guard the border better, but first I am sure they will have to check with George W> to make sure there is no money or oil to gain by allowing Ernesto in country.