The journey from there to here
Published on August 27, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

As I prepare to go back to the "grind" of being a full time student (while still pulling in enough Benjamins to feed the family), I had a bit of realization this past week. Once I am finished with this program, I should be within 2-3 semesters of a Bachelor's degree. While I'm not a fan of seeking a piece of paper just for the sake of having it, it would indeed seem a shame to stop that close to a degree without going ahead and finishing it off. It would be like finishing 18 miles of a marathon and calling it quits.

The problems as I see them revolve chiefly around where to finish off my degree. I love our community, and have no desire to leave anytime soon. But without extended family, any study outside of the immediate area is going to require some adjustment. We are looking at the various possibilities so that we can still remain in our small corner of Texas while dealing with the distance between home and a decent place to finish off my studies. Fortunately, I've got about two years to think about it, but I am at that point in my life when two years flows by rather quickly.

For now, I'll just prepare for several months of long days, short nights, and a lot of hard work. Wish me luck!

on Aug 27, 2006
Manage your work, full time school, community obligations, household management issues, parenting/marriage demands AND breastfeed a baby while you're doing it, and THEN I'll be impressed!


I'm sure you can make it work, Gid. Good luck!
on Aug 27, 2006
Manage your work, full time school, community obligations, household management issues, parenting/marriage demands AND breastfeed a baby while you're doing it, and THEN I'll be impressed!

Oh, I'm not out to impress anyone, just trying to get through life the best I can.

But if ya want a list (LOL), how about Volunteer Fire Department, Lions Club, Community Theater Board (and directing the current play in production), a political campaign, various other sundry community obligations (currently working with the Pampa EDC trying to get them to purchase/help purchase a portable stage), assisting in the homeschooling and raising of five children, and 19 hours of school?

Both are full time schedules, any way you slice 'em, though!

But I did start to think it'd be a mistake to stop so close to my bachelors without at least looking at heading to WT to finish it off.
on Aug 27, 2006
I still don't see anything about MILK! Hahahahaa.

I think it's great that you're so involved. I know it has to be exhausting, but at least you can go to bed at night knowing that you are doing something (several somethings) positive for your family, your community, and society in general.
on Aug 27, 2006
Manage your work, full time school, community obligations, household management issues, parenting/marriage demands AND breastfeed a baby while you're doing it, and THEN I'll be impressed!

Hahahaha, good one Tex!

Wow, congrats Gid. I'm impressed. I've yet to complete mine too. I've got to figure a way to do it and plan on it. Good on you man!
on Aug 28, 2006

WHile you may not think getting "a piece of paper' just for the sake of the pice of paper is a worthy goal, the simple truth is a lot of people in life look for that piece of paper before even talking to you about a job.  It makes no sense, but it is true.

Best of luck in your quest.