The journey from there to here
Published on August 19, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

I left the end of the title blank because I don't want to be accused of flaming the individual in question. But I had to address a VERY hyperbolic statement by one of our JU regulars. This individual wrote, in response to one of my blogs:

Your apparent fixation with Soros is making me start to question your sensibilities. It seems lately every post you make has something to do with Soros. I gather you just got done reading that "Shadow Party" book?

My "fixation" with Soros has been largely limited to TWO articles, both on the Connecticut Senatorial race, in which Soros has a hand. In fact, of the last 20 articles I have written, those have been the only two where Soro's name has entered the picture (ok, make this article three). Two articles out of twenty constitutes a "fixation"? I think the word needs to be redefined if we define inclusion in 10% of one's content to be a "fixation".

I am simply presenting the facts as they appear. I DO believe in following the money trail, and Soros' investment in Ned Lamont's campaign is as relevant, at least, as Enron's involvement in George W. Bush's first presidential campaign. More so, in fact, because, you see, Enron's name showed up on Bush's campaign finance report; Soros' name shows up by proxy through such organizations as By hiding behind the "527's", Soros doesn't show up immediately unless diligent observers point out his involvement.

But go ahead and call it a fixation. The more easily your lies are discredited, the more quickly your entire position appears suspect.

on Aug 19, 2006
Following the money trail is not a fixation.  It is actually good investigative reporting.  Which puts you way ahead of the rest of the MSM.  They appear to be incapable of it.
on Aug 19, 2006
but can the blogger in question actually spell "Lieberman" correctly? If so, he's head and shoulders above you already.

Don'tcha love it when the libbies really have nothing to work with, so they hit the nitpicker bin?

Following the money trail worked pretty well when Woodward and Bernstein brought down Nixon, but it's not a viable option when the money leads to one of theirs.
on Aug 19, 2006
Myrr was just using the backdoor around my blacklist because he's become nothing more than a drug addled spectacle and caricature of the political position he presents. He's pretty irrelevant, so I dumped him.
on Aug 19, 2006

Myrr was just using the backdoor around my blacklist because he's become nothing more than a drug addled spectacle and caricature of the political position he presents. He's pretty irrelevant, so I dumped him.

After a year of ignoring him, I tried reading him again.  I can only conclude that your surmise is correct.  I dont even have any interest in reading him as he seems to be huffed out.

on Aug 19, 2006
addled spectacle and caricature of the political position he presents. He's pretty irrelevant,

All of which makes him the perfect representative of that aprticular position!

on Aug 20, 2006 hyperbole's name Myrrander or me? I'm the one who said something about your thing for Soros.
on Aug 20, 2006 hyperbole's name Myrrander or me? I'm the one who said something about your thing for Soros.

Hyperbole's name is you, davad. My reply was to the dump myrrander took on my blog by coming in from another computer without logging on. Apparently, myrrander has a crush on me and can't stay away or something.
on Aug 20, 2006
Hyperbole's name is you, davad. My reply was to the dump myrrander took on my blog by coming in from another computer without logging on. Apparently, myrrander has a crush on me and can't stay away or something.

Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't want someone else to get credit for my words.

I wasn't referring to the number of articles you'd written on the subject. I said posts, meaning replies/cooments in the various threads.

I would really love to know exactly what "lies" you're accusing me of telling. That you seem to be fixated on Soros lately? You may disagree with me and say that you're not, but it certainly appears so from here. But even if you disagree with my statement, it seems rather harsh to call me a liar.
on Aug 21, 2006
Actually, davad, hyperbole usually is used to mean a deliberate exaggeration or overstatement...quite different from an outright lie. You are extrapolating several on topic statements about Soros' manipulation of the DNC, and making it out to be a "fixation". My comment was that, while I don't deny makine the comments I've made, what I have said can hardly be considered a "fixation".

I'll put an earlier question to you again: do you deny that Soros is involved with or with the Lamont campaign?

I'll agree with you that Horowitz's "shadow party" is probably as hyperbolic as your own statement, davad. But too many people seem to think is some kind of grassroots organization, when it is as well funded and as far from grassroots as ANYTHING the right could contrive. If George Soros wants to spend all his money on the DNC, that's fine. It's his money. But we SHOULD be aware of the money trail that leads back to Soros.

As for Lamont, he's about as much of a political outsider as George W. Bush was before he officially entered politics. Those were the points I was making in my previous comments.