The journey from there to here
Published on August 17, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

When news footage told the story of the shocking death of JonBenet Ramsey, we wanted to believe, in our perverted sickness, that the fine trimmed lawn and expensive furnishings of the Ramsey held a deep, dark secret; that the Ramseys were TOO perfect, and that that "perfection" had to cover an underlying sickness that led them to do the unthinkable.

Given the recent turn of events, it appears that we were duped. More to the point, we ALLOWED ourselves to be duped, because the fiction we created justified the Marxist hatred of the upper classes that seems to drive the thinking of America's underclass far too often. We allowed ourselves to be duped, because ultimately, something within us wants to sabotage the successes of the rich and famous, because in our work-a-day world, we somehow don't perceive themselves to have "earned" their money and their status.

And the media fed on that. They fed us every bit of information that pointed to the Ramseys as the cuplrits, and excluded information that would point in any other directions. They scoffed at the Ramseys, even as Patsy Ramsey was, unknownst to many of us, beginning a fight for her life that she would lose before their names would be cleared in the all important court of public opinion. Because stress is an all important factor in healing, it would not be illogical to conclude that our premature, extrajudicial judgment may have indeed ultimately cost Mrs. Ramsey her life.

The capture of the suspect in JonBenet Ramsey's murder may indeed say more about US than it does about him. We tried, convicted, and treated as pariahs a family that did not earn our scorn, but rather, deserved our sympathies. God bless those people that stood by the Ramseys and refused to believe the worst about them. Shame on the rest of us who fell into a trap set by our own minds.

For my own part, I am deeply sorry about my own premature judgment. I, for one, hope to use this as an object lesson against making such a horrible mistake in the future.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 18, 2006

*wanders off to get his shotgun, cleaning supplies, hunting knife and whetstone and oil* I'll be out on the front porch, if ya need me.

Sounds like someone is getting ready for the dating years.

on Aug 18, 2006
I didn't really trust that he was telling the truth when this first came out...give me hard, cold facts, then maybe I will.
on Aug 18, 2006
Sounds like someone is getting ready for the dating years.

Most definitely. The knife and shotgun are for if the poor schmuck survives her three (very protective) older brothers.

To actually say something on topic (for a change) - The gentleman in question is just a little creepy. Whether or not his confession is a ruse to get out of Thailand or not, is still open for debate. I hope and pray that it's true, and they can close out this case. Even if it's too late for Patsy Ramsey.

Given all of that, I have to wonder what level of complicity the parents had in this. I know that my wife and I are extremely sensitive to the sounds of the house while sleeping (my wife moreso than me). If one of the kids wakes up to get a glass of water, one of us is awake and listening to the sounds. Sometimes both. I understand a big house, in a comfortable neighbourhood lends itself to a feeling of security, but what parent of small children isn't always alert for something that migh injure them?
on Aug 18, 2006
"Lt. Gen. Suwat Tumrongsiskul of the Thai immigration police changed some details Friday of the account he had given of what Karr told investigators. In a telephone interview Thursday with The Associated Press, Suwat quoted Karr as saying he had sexually assaulted the girl and given her drugs. He also told reporters before a news conference Thursday that Karr had claimed to have picked up JonBenet at her school.

On Friday, Suwat confirmed to the AP his account of the sexual assault. But asked Friday if Karr gave the girl drugs, Suwat said the suspect described the encounter with JonBenet Ramsey as "a blur."

"It may have been drugs, or it may have been something else because (Karr said) it was a blur, blur," Suwat said. Suwat also said Friday that his statement about the girl being picked from school was based on a documentary he had seen and not the interrogation. ( Link )"

I have a feeling you're being duped right now. I've spoken at length with someone from Thailand a few years back online. If you look into their legal and political system there, where it is a crime to speak unfavorably about the king but kiddie prostitution is a winked-at national industry, you might question where this thai cop's interest lies.

The conduit for this guy coming in and confessing was also the journalist who authored all the pro-Ramsey documentaries. They have DNA if I am not mistaken. I hope whoever does the testing is more reliable than the 'hanging scientists' I've seen described lately on TV who basically nod for hire.

P.S. Does anyone else wonder how he's going to explain that sneaking into a house at night, raping a little girl, then strangling a her and bashing her head in is an "accident"? I wonder how many of the "details" that weren't released to the public were known by this documentary reporter...

on Aug 18, 2006
I hope he did it, just so this can all finally be put to bed.

As for beauty, that is a southern thing. My husband's town has them starting with girls three years old. They are primped and made up and look a lot like JonBenet.

I went to my niece's once. It's a joke. Basically they are teaching these girls that how they look determines their worth. And God forbid if they become teens and get zits, well then they will be worthless!

My ex-sis in law is a product of beauty pageants. She never EVER adjusted to life after going from a BEAUTIFUL child to an ordinary looking teen with acne, to an average looking adult. To this day she seeks the kind of strokes she got as a child for beauty....and will do ANYTHING for anyone who will give her those strokes....sad.
on Aug 18, 2006
He also told reporters before a news conference Thursday that Karr had claimed to have picked up JonBenet at her school.

Picked her up at school during Christmas holidays?
on Aug 18, 2006

Gideon, if I recall correctly, you have children. How would feel about doing that with your kids? I don't know if the Ramseys were in anyway responsible for her tragic death, but I am not nominating them for Parents of the Year.

I would never do that with my kids, Larry. But the longer I live, the more I'm realizing my lifestyle is SERIOUSLY at odds with and out of step with the rest of America. My girls don't play with Barbie dolls, either.

I don't condone the whole child beauty pageant circuit, but the Ramseys aren't much different than the other families that participated.

Yeah, it does appear the guy's a kook. Basically, he seems to be a "murder groupie" who got  lot of details. But in the details of his "confession", the facts about the mismatched DNA, etc, have been more prominently mentioned than they were before.

on Aug 18, 2006
it seems to me (with all due respect) suggesting we've all been blinded by marxism says much more about you than anyone else.


I grew up among the dirt poor...did you?

I grew up with a father who DAILY preached how EVIL the rich were, who warned us against dating the "rich bitches", who taught us that all of the wealthy in America had gained their fortunes by illegitimate means...and most of my friends were raised to that same bias.

I resent my father for it; for many years in my adult life, I actually TRIED to avoid success...because if I was successful, it meant I was one of THEM. And, as I said before, I wasn't raised in a vaccuum; virtually all of my friends were of the same mindset.

I can say absolutely, unequivocably, that my bias against the wealthy and absolute conviction that their wealth was an indication of their immorality biased my opinion immediately against the Ramseys. And I know of not a few others who felt the same way.

Was it part of a larger trend? Who can say? But it's certainly a question worth asking!
on Aug 18, 2006
"I can say absolutely, unequivocably, that my bias against the wealthy and absolute conviction that their wealth was an indication of their immorality biased my opinion immediately against the Ramseys. And I know of not a few others who felt the same way."

I grew up "poor" and spent my life around wealthy people. Me, I despise people who dress their kids up like whores and strut them for entertainment. Whether or not they killed their daughter has nothing to do with the fact that they should be pariahs, in my opinion. You don't have to be marxist to hate people like that, do you?

I'm betting that there will be THOUSANDS of blogs deleted in the near future, all while people are claiming they hope they won't make the same mistake in the future, lol. It's all that "rush to judgement" stuff, you know. I wonder if this will be one of them...

on Aug 18, 2006

I'm betting that there will be THOUSANDS of blogs deleted in the near future, all while people are claiming they hope they won't make the same mistake in the future, lol. It's all that "rush to judgement" stuff, you know. I wonder if this will be one of them...

I dont know, but I think the consensus here is that no one liked what the Ramseys did to their daughter.  Everything else is up for debate.

I will restate my belief.  The Ramseys did not do it. Did this clown?  We will see.

on Aug 18, 2006
If I dress my kid up in fur, and put antlers on her head, and send her into the woods during hunting season, would the act be up for debate? How then shall we debate people who try to make their kids look "sexy" and parade them around in a public wherein children are snatched, sexually abused and murdered?

Gid can make this into a big "people need to be left to raise their kids as they like without being judged" fest, but if you send your kid to play in traffic, you are party to their death. Period.

on Aug 18, 2006

If I dress my kid up in fur, and put antlers on her head, and send her into the woods during hunting season, would the act be up for debate? How then shall we debate people who try to make their kids look "sexy" and parade them around in a public wherein children are snatched, sexually abused and murdered?

That same arguement has been made by rapists.  Sorry, I have free will, and I chose not to jump the bones of that sexy chick in the Daisy Dukes.  And I will not agree to that explanation.

Child molesters are pre-disposed.  Even a normal child is not immune.  And how you dress your child (yes, this was extreme) should not be an excuse for them to be snatched.  IN any world.

on Aug 18, 2006
"That same arguement has been made by rapists. Sorry, I have free will, and I chose not to jump the bones of that sexy chick in the Daisy Dukes. And I will not agree to that explanation."

No. The argument you are talking about accuses someone of being responsible for a crime through normal behavior. That's like telling someone they had it coming for being in the woods at all during hunting season. It's very different when someone makes their child a sexual object in a society that preys upon children; as I said that's like putting antlers on your child during hunting season.

You can try to twist that argument all you want, but we ARE culpable for harm caused by danger we place our children in PURPOSELY. I could be here talking about how they left their windows unlocked, etc., but I'm not. People make mistakes. Dressing your daughter up as pedophile bait and parading her in public isn't a mistake, and it isn't responsible behavior.

on Aug 18, 2006

makes their child a sexual object in a society that preys upon children

There again I do not agree.  This society does not prey on children.

I am actually surprised at you.  We seem to have switched places now. But while I do abhor what they did to her (and I do have first hand experience on it, of which I am not proud - not me, a cousin), that is not an excuse or justification.

For Child abuse?  Perhaps.  Not for a sexual predator.  Not by a long shot.

I am not twisting this arguement.  In actual fact, you are.  just because a young woman wants to look sexy does not make her responsible for the rape.  Same thing here.

on Aug 18, 2006
"This society does not prey on children."

Ah, sorry, I thought you lived in the US. In my country, there's a show Dateline NBC. They've had a recurring show where they go to online chatrooms and pose as kids to see if pedophiles will take the bait.

On average, they are able to nab dozens of men, from a single chatroom, in a single area, in a single weekend. I think they got around 50 in the last one they did in California. They one in Ohio got a guy who didn't live all that far from me. Some of them men actually watched previous shows, and still couldn't help but take the bait.

I have 30+ convlicted, registered sex offenders within a couple of miles of my house. I have 200+ in my city, and thousands in my state. My kid every year gets lectures at school about what to watch for and what to and not to do. Obviously MY culture has an inherent problem to cause such a need.

So, Doc, I dunno what society you come from, but if you are talking about the US, you're wrong. We are a culture who preys on children as a passtime; we trivialize their sexualization in entertainment, in advertising, all over. I think you need to look around more.

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