The journey from there to here
Published on August 14, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events


In the latest news from Islam's practitioners of the "religion of peace", Hezbollah is claiming victory against Israel in the latest offensive. And, indeed, they have won a very substantial victory. To the world's loss.

For, you see, Hezbollah has effectively been established as another "state" with full diplomatic recognition. Basically, we've given Islam's equivalent of the KKK the status of a nation, even as they most likely continue to work on further plots to do harm to civilians. No longer will we allow Israel to respond to Hezbollah's violence with military action, but we will instead insist that they meet rockets with diplomats, and suicide bombers with restraining orders.

While we must occasionally negotiate with criminals, it is a fool's errand to treat them with the respect afforded to those who actually try to work within the parameters of the international community. Hezbollah is not, and likely never will be, anything other than an organized group of thugs that Lebanon and all of the middle east would do well to be rid of.

on Aug 14, 2006
It seems that doing the evil gets you what you want. I have always said that being a good person has always gotten me in trouble, I see this can be applied world wide. All the bombings, all the deaths, all the destruction for what? So that the UN can give Hezbollah the green light and they still have the captured soldiers. In the end this was a win win situation for Hezbollah and a waste of weapons, time and life for Israel.
on Aug 14, 2006
They were going to claim victory, no matter what. But it is sad to grant them the legitimacy of a sovereign nation. This won't be the last time this issue is visited.
on Aug 14, 2006
Bahu basically came to the same conclusion, but labelled it as good because there is peace.  Sorry, I cannot see that.  Israel lost with this cease fire.  They should have never agreed to it.
on Aug 14, 2006
Hezbollah consists of people. We are told to love other people, especially if we have ought with them. Balance this with the need and expectation to defend one's self. I suggest that the best way to deal with our "enemy" is to use every opportunity to live in peace with them, to help them, and establish relations with them. And when they threaten you, then you must take steps to defend yourself. Most Muslims are deednt people. But for 30 plus years they have been painted as evil troublemakers by the media who refer to them as "Muslim fundamentalists" when they go astray. Right away we are creating a schism. Let us try to live in a positive and peaceful manner, with plenty of dialogue and interaction. This is God's desire.
on Aug 14, 2006
my reply is too long to post here; read:


on Aug 14, 2006
my reply is too long to post here; read:

Hijacking threads is not in good taste or form.
on Aug 14, 2006
I think that all of the bad stuff in the world is not worth talking about because there is nothing that you can do about any of it anyway. So why waste your time talking about it.
on Aug 15, 2006

I think that all of the bad stuff in the world is not worth talking about because there is nothing that you can do about any of it anyway. So why waste your time talking about it.

ctually, something can be done. What we lack is the will to do it.
on Aug 15, 2006
Hezbollah consists of people.

Hezbollah is not a person. I have a burden for the souls of every member of Hezbollah, but I cannot feel ANY compassion for an organization. An organization is not people, sorry.