In the latest news from Islam's practitioners of the "religion of peace", Hezbollah is claiming victory against Israel in the latest offensive. And, indeed, they have won a very substantial victory. To the world's loss.
For, you see, Hezbollah has effectively been established as another "state" with full diplomatic recognition. Basically, we've given Islam's equivalent of the KKK the status of a nation, even as they most likely continue to work on further plots to do harm to civilians. No longer will we allow Israel to respond to Hezbollah's violence with military action, but we will instead insist that they meet rockets with diplomats, and suicide bombers with restraining orders.
While we must occasionally negotiate with criminals, it is a fool's errand to treat them with the respect afforded to those who actually try to work within the parameters of the international community. Hezbollah is not, and likely never will be, anything other than an organized group of thugs that Lebanon and all of the middle east would do well to be rid of.