Yesterday morning as I drove, the sweet smell of antifreeze greeted me after our car got up to operating temp. I was a little frustrated, to say the least. This is our fourth car in two years, and we've spent more on vehicles in that time than we have on housing and utilities combined (about $9000 in vehicles and various repairs). So when I started my route yesterday, I was a little nervous about the car's ability to perform.
When we were approaching the end part of the route (I drive about 80 miles a day), I heard a familiar grinding sound from the brakes up front. Metal on metal. Great. I had just replaced the brake pads; obviously the caliper was gone since they had worn out so quickly. No matter, I thought, I would try to make it home.
With about ten miles to go on the route it became apparent that wasn't to be. I pulled to a stop and watched smoke cascade off the tire. Three days to payday, no money left besides gas money, and the car has to act up now. This in addition to electrical problems I've been aware of but haven't had the money to diagnose, let alone treat, for the past two months.
I called a friend to help finish the route, and, with the brakes cooled, he followed me the 8 miles back home. I pulled up and we took the capilers off, exposing shoes that were ground fully down to the metal on both sides.
I had to do not a little begging to borrow money for the calipers, brake pads, a ride into town, and to beg my mechanic for a little mercy to take my car out of the shop that has been in for repairs. Thankfully, the mechanic was willing to trust that I'd have the money to him Friday. And the Ford, though less than perfect, is at least running...hopefully through the remainder of the week.