The journey from there to here

(Note: This is a RANT. I am in a ranting mood today, so I'm going to rant away).

There is a couple in town, a pentecostal "preacher" and his wife, who travel in and out of town. In the several years they have been here, they have not once had to purchase a vehicle, they have acquired 7 properties, only three of which they have actually had to purchase, and they have filled many buildings with the various items that have been given them by people from the area and from where they come from back east. In the home where they currently reside, their windows were replaced with donated materials and with labor from one of the people in one of the local churches that they regularly badmouth, they've had complete sewer lines replaced in both of their residential locations, and now have the promise of having a roof built by the same individual that did their windows. People complain about this couple, but they line up around the block to give them everything and anything they beg for.

I have long said that I don't have a problem understanding why bad things happen to good people. I have a hard time, however, understanding why good things happen to bad people. In the case of this "preacher" and his wife, they aren't so much bad people as they are professional beggars. He has no church, does not preach anywhere regularly, and solicits these donations on the understanding that he will give them to the people in the local community. These donations end up at their house, where they pick through the choice items and occasionally give a few items away that they can't use to be able to show they're giving SOMETHING.

I mentioned earlier that they haven't purchased a single vehicle since they've been here. Yet they sold two of the vehicles that they had been given, and not to families in need, but instead, for the highest price they could get for them. Much of their income is derived from selling things that were donated for them to give away.

Meanwhile, I've been working six days a week at remunerative employment (usually seven days a week when you count other obligations) for the past two years. I'm working hard at finishing my online college courses and beginning working on "real" college courses in less than a month. And we're facing the impending death of our fourth vehicle in the past two years, all of them purchased out of our own pocket, and all of them at significant cost. We're praying that our car holds together until Friday, when we can pay off the repairs on another car and hope it, too, holds together. The alternative will be calling this "preacher" for a ride, and paying more in gas then he actually uses. Because I have to do what I have to do to take care of my family. And some of the same people in the church that have labored to remodel his house despite his disparaging of the church have turned a seemingly cold shoulder to us...because we committed the unforgivable sin of attending the church for sometime and then leaving it for another church. (note to pastors of such churches: that's NOT a way to encourage people to return).

During this same time, I have offered help to every motorist I have seen stranded, I have given groceries to every family I know of that is in need. I admittedly stopped tithing to the church, but I did so precisely because, no matter how faithful we've been in our tithes, not one church has EVER helped me a) land a decent job; keep my transportation running. We decided, rightly or wrongly, that our income needed to be reserved for our needs first, not the church's.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 09, 2006
Ok, than if anything you are not trusting God here. If it's God's money, don't you trust that he'll put it to good use using the church? Is it God's money or Gid's money? You asked me.....

The church is misappropriating it, KFC. I wouldn't give my tithes to most churches, because they're not using it properly.

I DO tithe, KFC, I just won't give my tithe to people who have been unfaithful with its handling, as the church has so consistently been. I'm more concerned with those inside the church who are stealing the money than with those outside of it.

yes, but that's what I'm saying. They SAY they need bills paid but when we offer to pay the bills they don't want that. They want the money to pay it themselves or so they say.

See, and THAT is a reasonable response by the church. But many churches won't even do that. And many more will pay utility bills, but not deposits, which does precious little good when you can't get utilities turned on in the first place.

Why are you harping on all the bad churches anyway?

Because SOMEBODY needs to, KFC. It's time we stop ignoring the fact that most churches have stopped following God. If bad churches want me to stop harping on them, then they know what they need to do to change, don't they?

Is it that hard in your area to find a good Godly church?

18 years as a Christian, and 've yet to find a Godly church, KFC. I have found MANY Godly Christians, but I've found NO Godly churches. And some of those Godly Christians are pastors, so it's not always a roblem with the leadership. It' a problem with how we are letting secular opinion govern the running of our churches, and there are MANY problems.

I'm not judging the heart of a single Christian, KFC. I AM, however, questioning the churches, and whether they are allowing themselves to be led by the Spirit or are simply governing according to the latest trends. I deal with broken people daily, people who have been abandoned as "hopeless cases" by the Christians in these churches, and I think that if we throw away a single soul we are being poor stewards. We're supposed to have a passion to seek and save the lost, and that doesn't only "include" these throwaways, that IS these throwaways.

I'm not discouraged, KFC. Far from it. I'm simply wanting a place where these "throwaways" will receive the warm reception they should receive from those of us who follow Christ. And that simply isn't the case around here. You can't share your testimony in many of these churches for fear that even one gossip in the congregation may abuse the information you've shared in confidence. You can't put aside your past when you walk in the doors because many of these people hold grudges for life. And the one church that I THOUGHT offered some hope for relief is not an option precisely because they refused a chance to help our family when our family truly needed it, due to circumstances not entirely within our control. A $50 tire cost them the growth of their ministry, basically.

I'm harping on these things because somebody needs to, KFC. It is time we wake up to our responsibilities as Christians and stop passing the buck. We have an out of control welfare system because Christians WOULD NOT do their duty, and we are reaping the benefits of our dereliction in the poverty and hopelessness of the inner city. Somebody needs to say something, and somebody needs to do something.
on Aug 09, 2006
Why do bad things happen to good people? Because God has a sense of humor.
on Aug 10, 2006
and I have a VERY hard time swallowing KFC's claim that this Pastor literally asked his congregation to keep people away from him.

Well don't worry LW, you can take a big swallow. I did not claim this. I said our Pastor encourages all to do the work of God. It's not just the Pastor's job. He challenges us all to do God's work. He does not like to be put on a pedestal. He HATES IT. He even said "puke" in a discussion about other Pastors being put up like that or when some in our congregation try to do it to him. He discourages us when we try to do too much for him. He's a very simple man that is not in any way a worldly one. He actually does not enjoy Pastor Appreciation Day at all. Pastors were never meant to Lord it over their people but to gently lead as a servant.

In fact he would rather roll his sleeves up and help somebody else. I've seen him clean throw up in the nursery shooing the mom away so she could be in the main sanctuary for a play.

The lady in question has very good judgment. She is also very close to the Pastor and a giver in all sorts of ways. He had no trouble with what she did. Only because we live in such a tourist area we get this stuff all the time. Right now we are in peak season. People travel to come here and then demand a church put them up. And when I say demand...I mean demand. We've been told we "have to" because that's what churches do. That's not what Christ meant when he said to take care of the poor. This is not the same thing.

I'm really sorry Gid about your not finding a "real" church family. I've been there as well and I do see a big difference in a church that is "spiritual" and one that is not. Makes the world of difference. I do think tho a Pastor has alot to do with it still. It doesn't mean they all are spiritual people going there, but the ones in leadership positions would be because the Pastor would be challenging them like ours does. He meets with us all once a month as a group and encourages us to be Godly leaders. So the core group is making a difference in the lives of the people around them.

This church started with 4-5 familys in 1998. We now have over 300 people and are the largest church in the area by far and it's part of a mainstream denomination. Maybe you and a few families should think about starting up your own church and I'm not saying that lightly.

I really mean it. Maybe God is doing a work in you to do so. From what you've written it seems that way to me. All you need is 4-5 praying families to start up and a sincere heart to do the will of God.
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