The journey from there to here
Published on July 15, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

So, I'm looking desperately for some lyrics to an obscure song, and digging through the Internet. A misspelling on my part did not help initial search results, but being the resourceful man that I am, I simply put enough words in from the lyrics I did know to net a good result. I then used the corrected spelling to narrow down my search criteria (man, I rock!). I netted about 70 results for these lyrics (I said they were obscure), only to find they were not actually listed on some sites, just referenced. I found them on one site, but they were so badly mangled I did not want to have to retype them. When I finally found another site with the lyrics, I found the exact same badly mangled lyrics...apparently one site had used the other for reference.

But, fortunately, it's close enough I can make corrections. But I'll be durned if I'm sending them into these lyrics sites. They can do their OWN homework!

on Jul 15, 2006
1. I thought this was going to be about the "lyrics sites" that constantly try to jump into your computer when you visit them. Glad you didn't have any of that.

2. Do these sites use regular contributors? It might be that they rely on people to send things in... you're not likely to start liking them more by refusing to contribute. Just think of the next poor sap that wants those lyrics... and he'll get the same mangled ones you did. Worse! The mangled lyrics could be propagated across the aether and there are plenty of people who would believe that's the way they are (or that's the way to spell those words).

But I'm intentionally inflating the whole sentiment just to have something to post. sorry.