The journey from there to here
I had to hold my breath earlier in the week because of what I was
reading in my email inbox. First, I'll have to set it up for you,

A poster came onto an anti-cps message board that I frequent and
purported to be a CPS social worker. She then proceeded to give her
"advice" about how to respond to a CPS investigation, most of it (8
points out of 9) being absolutely wrong and dangerous, and the 9th
point, while true, being a point that CPS NEVER acts on. I responded
to her piece pretty harshly, as did others. She says she is a 29 year
old who lives at home with her mother and has no children (ironically,
the state considers this childless woman, who has never even lived
independently, to be an expert on parenting to direct how you MUST
parent your children in her state). She emailed me and some others
back, and what she wrote may actually be a smoking gun in the state
where she works. I'm forwarding it to the state level to have them

In her response to me, she stated that she never forgot the faces of
the children she has helped, and that she still keeps in contact with
all of them. While that may not seem like much at the surface, what
she is doing is illegal. As an investigator, once the investigation is
concluded, she is not supposed to continue to have contact with the
family. Anyone who thinks she is not spying on the family in the
course of her "innocent" contacts is decidedly naive.

While she may not be a CPS investigator, as she claims, she is
certainly a state employee, as her email address that she used to
contact me was from the state where she works (I did not respond via
email, as I believe she's fishing for IP addresses in order to go on
her own personal crusade. Her behaviour seems pretty bizarre,
frankly). If she's falsely representing herself as a CPS worker, that
is one thing, and I'll give it to the powers that be in that state to
handle. But if she is breaking the law and contacting families with
whom she is supposed to have ended contact, then the question arises
as to whether this is part of a larger pattern. I don't know if this
is a smoking gun or not, but it IS rather intriguing to say the least
on Jul 11, 2006
Intriguing?  I would say down right scary!  Both her stalking and her naivete'.
on Sep 07, 2006
I am not surprised at All
as The Web Master for


a Child Protective Services information and protest Web site
nothing CPS does surprises me anymore!