The journey from there to here

As many of you know, I blog from the library. It's an interesting study in human behaviour, as I watch others in the library as well.

Quite often, parents will bring their children to the library with them. They will sit the children next to them as they get on the computer, and surf for hours, expecting total silence from their child who is sitting in front of a computer they are entirely incapable of using. While it wouldn't be unreasonable to expect such silence for a 15 minute email session, this isn't usually the practice of these parents. The children begin to get restless with nothing to do, and the parents utter threats to the children, exasperated that their children are not the perfect little automatons they thought they'd be getting.

My oldest two children head to the library with me as well, but they head up to the children's section and read. If there is a problem, they come to me, and if we must leave the library, I wrap things up and go. The kids are more important than my surfing.

I have to wonder how many of the tales we hear about out of control kids aren't simply kids on the tail end of a marathon session of being dragged around by mommy and daddy from place to place, and not being allowed to speak, play, or do anything but sit in silent compliance. Maybe, just maybe, when they hit the grocery store, they've just been pushed too far.


on Jul 06, 2006
I'm about to smack this guy next to me because of this. He's becoming increasingly hostile to what appears to be about a four year old girl over this!
on Jul 06, 2006
Smack away, Gid. Smack away!!!!
on Jul 06, 2006

I always assumed that your daily trips were so that your children could avail themselves of the library and its resources (I doubt they have a card catalog any more. )

And when they were done, so were you.  You merely occupied your time.

Next time I buy a computer, I will send you the free 6 month membership.  MSN or AOL?  (in Tova's words) Bwuhahahahahaa!

on Jul 06, 2006
Next time I buy a computer, I will send you the free 6 month membership. MSN or AOL? (in Tova's words) Bwuhahahahahaa!

I have no landline phone. Because we had to either eat or pay SBC when we moved out here (and chose to eat), I am on the Landline phone blacklist (EVERY phone company is SBC under a different name!). I would need to pay about $300 up front to get phone service through SBC again, or pay a $50 deposit and $50 a month for "prepaid" landline services that have notoriously lousy data connections. The alternative is broadband, and since we have had problems getting wireless access (we shouldn't; we're less than 1000 feet from the antenna), means if we can't resolve them, our only remaining options are cellular access (expensive because we have to pay for the minutes) or satellite (about $200 upfront and $50 a month).

It's very complicated, but we're sorting it out.
on Jul 06, 2006
OK, he just threatened to beat her ass. Maybe if I repeat the threat to him, he'll get the point.

I'm crossing the line over into pissed here!
on Jul 06, 2006
Well Gid I am just now getting to read this....your library time is probably well over.

I agree with you 100%. Sometimes "out of control" kids are at the end of their rope so to speak. I see parents who want their 3 year olds to act like little mini adults and it makes me sick. I don't think kids should run hog wild...but being a kid is ABOUT learning to be a bigger kid, then a young adult, then finally an adult....I don't know any that go from toddler to adulthood lickity split!

I expect my kids to behave in public places like the library. By behaving I mean, not talking loud (though my 3 year old only has one volume, we are working on that), putting books back where they belong, not running etc. But I can only expect that of my 3 year old for very short blocks of time. Anything else and his out of control (for the library) behavior is my FAULT and anyone who has a problem with him should be blaming me...and addressing me.


Hope tomorrow is better.