Anyone who knows me well will know I am a huge fan of Woody Guthrie. Though there is much about his political and religious persuasion that is not in accordance with my beliefs (contrary to popular belief, you CAN be a fan of someone and not be a follower), I feel that his lyrical ability and visual imagery helped bring some hard facts about American life home for so many of us.
And so, as I've settled in to the local community, I have wanted to work with the Woody Guthrie center in the town nearest us (Woody lived there for 8 years, and learned guitar there). The town is highly divided over celebrating Woody's legacy, as he is perceived by many to have been a "Communist and an atheist" (neither charge is actually true, although someone without a deep understanding of Woody's philosophy could superficially reach such a conclusion rather easily). As I was speaking with some of the organizers of the Woody Guthrie center, they were very excited, as I know a great deal about Woody, and, they felt, would be an asset to the center.
As the day wore on, however, the discussion turned to politics in general. They spoke about the current war, almost to a person being against it, and I stated the opinion that, while I didn't agree with the war, I believe the first Gulf War in 1991 made it tragically inevitable. As we continued talking, lips were pursed and a tighter posture was assumed, making it clear I wasn't reaching my audience (Ironically enough, Woody Guthrie was NOT a pacifist; in "the Great Historical Bum", he referred to the impending defeat of Hitler as "the biggest thing that man has ever done"; and in the song "In Washington", he heavily criticized Charles Lindbergh as a Nazi Sympathizer for his involvement with America First, whose aim was to keep us out of World War II). Though they initially expressed a desire to have me help with their events, they have not returned calls I have placed since.
I find it highly ironic that an organization that has worked so hard against the prejudices based on Woody Guthrie's unpopular politics in this region would exclude someone from involvement based on politics. It appears to be one of the most remarkable inconsistencies of that particular faction of the American left to shut out the opposition even as they decry their own exclusion, and the irony is simply too rich to ignore.