The journey from there to here
Published on July 5, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

From the "Lifestyles of the Smug & Sanctimonious" Department:

Well, I wish I was ahead of the game on this one, but I'm not. Such is the burden one must bear when one's internet access is limited. But as I read across the forums, I picked up moderateman's article (Link ) about the Hollywood stars "fasting" againt the war.

And so I realized the best response to their self righteous idiocy of a 24 hour fast is 24 hours of conspicuous consumerism. Pig out in support of our troops, and of the American way of life! Consume mass quantities, and do not limit it to your food consumption! Buy that new outfit, that new computer game (insert shameless plug for stardock products here! That'll be $29.95 for the ad placement,!), and spend away. 24 hours of rampant runaway consumerism by the average American household would be the perfect response to 24 hours of fasting by these self indulgent pampered privileged few.

Just one thing...can we schedule it after the 10th? Gotta wait for payday, ya know?

on Jul 05, 2006
following the Hollywood stars plan we must have a rolling pigout, like they are having a rolling fast.
on Jul 05, 2006
We had Chicken, Hot dogs and Hamburgers yesterday.  I think we are doing our part!
on Jul 05, 2006
following the Hollywood stars plan we must have a rolling pigout, like they are having a rolling fast.

So it shall be written, so it shall be done. I'll be pigging otu next Tuesday, as we're heading to buffet night at Pizza Hut. any takers to pig out today? Remember, it's your patriotic duty!