The journey from there to here

It was almost three years ago when I began working to learn about Child Protective Services and the abuses they've perpetrated against innocent civilians in the guise of protecting the children. I read the stories, and was shocked and appalled that these things could happen in America, of all places, in the "land of the free".

Now, it doesn't shock me anymore. Because, although the names change, the stories never do. Every day's logon to my email sees several more stories, telling their tale, and asking how I can help. Now, some of them, I must admit, are not people whose values match my own, but I remind myself that even their situations usually do not merit the extreme reactions they've met from a state that claims it is there "to help". Even those cases where the removals were justified are almost always handled improperly, and the innocent children are left hanging in the balance.

The activist group I am founding is small but growing quickly. People are beginning to realize that this is a problem that is getting out of control, and many of these are people who never ever considered that they might see a government agent at their door...but who were called by a spiteful neighbour, a malicious ex-spouse, and sometimes a vengeful child. I am beginning to truly believe that this is the Holocaust of our generation, and that we must work diligently to change things, or we all stand to suffer the consequences. Our children deserve to be able to play freely, and not to look at every vehicle for the signature government plates...and not to have to carry cards demanding they be allowed to speak to a lawyer. We're robbing them of their childhood, and we're doing so arguing that it is in their "best interests".

on Jun 28, 2006
To save a child, they are condemning a generation.  It is tragic.