The journey from there to here
Published on June 23, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

I have a stepmother whose heritage is German. So proud are they of their heritage that she actually gave my half brother two middle of those being "Adolph", after Hitler, because she prided herself on the apocryphal story that her family was distantly related to Hitler.

A few years ago, she "discovered" (most likely through some online sham genealogy service...she's not savvy enough to do the research herself) that she had some Indian blood in her family. Instead of dashing her hopes to being the heiress to the throne of White Power, she instantly decided that this Indian blood, however distant or unproven, bestowed upon her the inate powers of wisdom, empathy and insight (OK, sure...this woman, who once violently slammed my head repeatedly against a concrete driveway is an empath. I'll buy that...NOT!).

If hers was the only such reaction, I would find it disturbingly amusing. But because her action is not so uncommon, I find it simply disturbing that such racist attitudes are so pervasive (not coincidentally, her alleged Indian heritage has led to my disowning the Indian heritage I DO have and can prove...I don't want to be associated with her any more than I have to). Even when a good quality is bestowed on a person simply by virtue of their heritage, it is racist. The blood in your veins does not make you atomatically superior in any particular area, though your individual genetics might make a difference. In her case, maybe she's descended from some nasty old crone that was ostracized by the tribe.

on Jun 23, 2006
Your genetic makeup and heritage doesn't make you any worse either.
on Jun 23, 2006


Loved this article Gid. 


on Jun 23, 2006
My blood keeps me alive!  Besides, the blood service will only take 1 pint every 8 weeks!  They want to keep milking me.
on Jun 24, 2006
Damn, you mean I'm still going to be a stupid asshole when I'm 80???

Now what do I have to look forward to?
on Jun 24, 2006
As a Mormon who can trace his roots back to the days of Joseph Smith, The Mormon Battalion and all that, I do have a certain amount of pride for what my ancestors accomplished. Does that make me better than anyone else though? Only if the ancestors of mine who were on the FBI Most Wanted list make me worse. ;~D
on Jun 24, 2006

As a Mormon who can trace his roots back to the days of Joseph Smith, The Mormon Battalion and all that, I do have a certain amount of pride for what my ancestors accomplished. Does that make me better than anyone else though? Only if the ancestors of mine who were on the FBI Most Wanted list make me worse. ;~D

Right. I'm quite proud of the fact that I have ancestors who fought in every war this country has ever fought, travelled with Lewis and Clark, and were part of the abolitionist. But I try not to emphasize the Tories, the slaveholders, and the Indian killers that also make up my heritage.

on Jun 25, 2006
...and your winky will point forever south by then too, hell if I know!

Not as long as they keep making fix-a-flat!