The journey from there to here
Published on June 23, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

For over a year and a half, the sign has beckoned me, and called to me. East of town, on the main highway, the road sign sings out the name of the community I've always considered my hometown, despite the fact that I wasn't born there, and didn't spend the majority of my life there. It is my hometown, though, because we moved there when I was a toddler, and, despite shuttling between my father, mother, and various foster homes throughout my childhood years, it was the place where we always returned. It was where I met my first love, only to find years later on my return that she had moved off to another city and disappeared from my life. It was where I bought my first car, got my first job, buried my brothers, and began working in politics. No matter how far I go, it will always have a place in my heart.

But the joy and fond memories mingle with a lot of pain, and a lot of hurt, and that has probably been the main thing that has held me back. As much as it represents fond memories and innocence, it represents rejection and pain. But the combination of both is probably why it remains, more than any place, "home".

Sadly, I'm only going to be able to make it back for a day. I hope in that time to rebuild a couple of bridges I burned, and to show my children a town that I've come to love more than any other. I know that there will be much of my childhood that has been torn down; replaced by something newer, better, and I'm prepared for that. But they will not, they can not, tear down memories.

On Sunday I will answer the siren's call. We will take the road back home, if only for a day.

on Jun 23, 2006
I tried going back home once.  But it had changed so much, that I hardly recognized anything or anyone.  Hope you fare better.
on Jun 23, 2006
Gid, your article reminds me of the Mac Davis tune: Happiness is Lubbock Texas in my rear view mirror.

Words here

Some portions:

I was just fifteen and out of control
Lost to James Dean and Rock-n-Roll
I knew down deep in my country soul that I had to get away
And Hollywood was a lady in red
Who danced in my dreams as I tossed in bed
I knew I'd wind up in jail or dead
If I have to stay

I thought happiness was Lubbock Texas in my rear view mirror
My mama kept calling me home but i just did not want to hear her
And the vision was gettin' clearer in my dreams

{ snip }

Well I thank God each and everyday
For giving me the music and the words to say
I'd have never made it any other way,he was my only friend
And now i sleep a little better at night
and when I look in the mirror in the mornin' light
The man I see was both wrong and right
And he's going home again

I guess happiness was Lubbock Texas in my rear view mirror
But now happiness is Lubbock Texas growing nearer and dearer
and the vision is gettin' clearer in my dreams
And I think finally I know what it means
And when I die you can bury me in Lubbock Texas in my jeans
on Jun 23, 2006
I tried going back home once. But it had changed so much, that I hardly recognized anything or anyone. Hope you fare better.

I happen to live near "home", or near enough to visit frequently if I wish.

I admit to not visiting that frequently now, with a family of my own and my own interests to worry over and take care of. Things are most definitely not the same though, as my sleepy old home town is not so sleepy now, with lots of growth and urban sprawl rapidly invading.

The people I knew and called friends and acquaintances were never that close for me, and if I see them now or they see me, we'd probably laugh a little and think neither has changed much. Again, reminiscent of another song, one by Garth Brooks that Gid might already know. (Not getting into that one here).

Things turn out differently than we might imagine at times, but it doesn't mean that what we have now isn't what was best for us all along. I'm not saying it's not nice to go home, but home rarely lives up to the images we've painted in our minds and the expectations we have for how things should be.
on Jun 23, 2006

but home rarely lives up to the images we've painted in our minds and the expectations we have for how things should be.

No Truer words were ever written.

on Jun 23, 2006

Gid, your article reminds me of the Mac Davis tune: Happiness is Lubbock Texas in my rear view mirror.


Yeah, I'm familiar with the song...but I don't wanna be buried back!

I'm not going back for anything I've missed, though. There are a number of reasons I am going back, some known to me, some unknown. Part of the reason is to remind myself that I can, part of the reason is, as the campaign winds up, to reconnect with my roots somewhat and build up confidence (and if I get a few friends willing to do some radio spots for me, I won't be whining!), and I'd say the reasons are probably as many as the miles between here and there. But most of the reason is to relax and "get away" for a bit (ROAD TRIP!)