Ok, this is too rich. Our community has a single marshall, and this guy's pretty much ready for a walker. Apparently, the good citizens of Lefors have determined that I am enough of a danger to put the marshall on guard watching myself and a couple of other select citizens and ready to pounce (well, perhaps with this guy, "pounce" isn't the right verb choice) on us for the slightest infraction. One of the complaints of one individual is that I speed up our street.
Problem is: 1) children under driving age race four wheel drives up our street routinely and nobody says a word about it; 2) I don't usually come up our street (and when I do, believe me, it's not that fast). I usually head down to take care of other business, THEN come home.
So, yesterday, I'm taking the usual route home. I come up to our street, and see the marshall parked a block away. I head home and go back to talk to the marshall (this guy doesn't like me, and yet he hasn't said two words to me) to make a little small talk, walking over there. He rolls down his window, and believe me, this guy had no interest in talking to me whatsoever. Then, as soon as I leave, he drives away (despite having sat there for over an hour prior, according to my wife and neighbour). He was pretty clearly waiting for me, looking for a chance to bust me. Yet, when I came home (I turned only about 10 feet behind his car), he was completely oblivious to my existence until I went up to him.
Now, this may sound like a petty gripe here, but if I'm being kept under surveillance, I want it to be by COMPETENT law enforcement officials. To heck with Barney Fife; if I'm worth keeping an eye on, I should at least have somebody with SOME level of smarts keeping their beady little eyes on me. Frankly, I'm insulted that this cop can't even spy on me right!