The journey from there to here
Published on June 21, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

On another article, a blogger expressed support for a student in Las Vegas, Nevada, who dared to use offensive language that caused the school board to rush in a panic to cut off the student's microphone. This evil, hate speech permeated the auditorium, and the ears of sensitive listeners and clearly had to be quashed!

The offensive word? The "G" word (I'm afraid to say it on my blog, I might wind up getting sued or something). Yup, that's right, this student dared to utter the word "God" in front of an assembly of students, parents, and school administrators.

I understand the positions of true atheists very well. They don't believe in God, fine. That's as valid a position as is believing in God. But many atheists (actually antitheists) have long passed the point of rationality and have passed on to what can only be described as religiophobia. These religiophobes (remember, folks, you heard it here first), react to the mere mention of a higher power with the same morbid fear as a vampire splashed with holy water, and the mere utterance of the name is enough to drive them into fits, threatening lawsuits. While religiophobes represent a miniscule portion of this nation's population, they wield a disproportionate amount of power from those who have misread into the Constitution the nonexistent right not to be offended.

What they don't understand is basic physics. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When they start pissing off people who are normally neutral on these issues, it is inevitable that there will eventually be some sort of backlash. One must hope that somehow it is peaceful, but history records such reactions to be anything but.

My response to religiophobes: DEAL WITH IT! We have to put up with your politically correct embracing of every form of deviancy as not only acceptable, but, in fact, good and decent, and your interweaving your sick philosophies into our school systems. We DON'T have to put up with your demanding that we, or our children, must not be allowed to proclaim our faiths publicly.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 21, 2006
We DON'T have to put up with your demanding that we, or our children, must not be allowed to proclaim our faiths publicly.

on Jun 21, 2006
Good article Gid.

Why are they so scared of something that doesn't exist?

on Jun 21, 2006
Why are they so scared of something that doesn't exist?

As for me, I just get tired of hearing about it.
on Jun 21, 2006

As for me, I just get tired of hearing about it.

I get tired of the anti-theists railing about it.  In your words: DEAL WITH IT.

on Jun 22, 2006
I think that Iconoclast has some real issues. We could deal with them here but it would be like waving his underwear around for the world to see. Perhaps it would be better if he simply quit reading articles that deal with God.Then he won't be so tired.

I think the ACLU was afraid that the Spirit of God was going to fall and everyone was going to jump up yammering in other tongues?

Or perhaps the Las Vegas School Officials thought that everyone would get saved and not grow up to be good little gamblers...

Great post Gideon - Really great post -

Do I have to pay you if I use the word religiophobes?
on Jun 22, 2006
I think that Iconoclast has some real issues. We could deal with them here but it would be like waving his underwear around for the world to see. Perhaps it would be better if he simply quit reading articles that deal with God.Then he won't be so tired.

In other words, you don't want me to comment on religious articles because I frighten and disturb you. GOOD!
on Jun 22, 2006

In other words, you don't want me to comment on religious articles because I frighten and disturb you. GOOD! don't want ppl mentioning God, the Bible, or religious topics, because they frighten and disturb you?
on Jun 22, 2006 don't want ppl mentioning God, the Bible, or religious topics, because they frighten and disturb you?

I don't avoid them.
on Jun 22, 2006


I will. You're done here, icon.

on Jun 22, 2006

What amazes me is that Gid hasnt blacklisted this hateful little cretin yet, but give him time.

See above. Iconoclast used to amuse me, now he's not worth my time. He's becoming a parrot.

Maybe if he is so irrationally afraid of religious topics, he should stay off the "religion" forums. He has as much authority speaking about religion as I do speaking about menopause!

on Jun 22, 2006
maybe we can run the GODLESS ones out of joeuser by having a week of nothing but articles about how good and great GOD is.

On a side note. Icon that "same to you" article is about the nastiest, rudest thing I have ever had the displeasure to read.
on Jun 22, 2006
Yup, MM. I hope Karma gets a gander at that. DEFINITELY uncalled for.
on Jun 22, 2006
" maybe we can run the GODLESS ones out of joeuser by having a week of nothing but articles about how good and great GOD is."

I don't see any reason to run anyone off. If they run themselves off with bad behavior, fine, but I see no reason for iconoclast to leave. If you don't like his statements, delete them and blacklist him. I've found his input on other topics to be of value.
on Jun 22, 2006
14 by BakerStreet
Thu, June 22, 2006 4:03 PM

maybe we can run the GODLESS ones out of joeuser by having a week of nothing but articles about how good and great GOD is."

I don't see any reason to run anyone off. If they run themselves off with bad behavior, fine, but I see no reason for iconoclast to leave. If you don't like his statements, delete them and blacklist him. I've found his input on other topics to be of value.

calling little whip a c**t in print has no value baker.
on Jun 22, 2006
i think it is humorous that the left feels that we should just "put up with them", be tolerant, and just accept the fact that they "are right". But let a Christian defend his beliefs....and tolerance is thrown out the window.
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