The journey from there to here

Ann Coulter should be writing a check to the DNC. In fact, I think the Democratic Underground should set up an affiliate link to her website. Here's why:

I'm not a Coulter groupie. Never HAVE been a Coulter groupie. Despite two years of reading LW's blogs, most of which espoused a similar if not identical philosophy to that of Coulter, I really wasn't solkd on her books. Sure, I know she's compelling and has a biting sense of satire, but the fact is, on the issues where I agree with her, she would be preaching to the converted, and on the issues where I disagreed, well, I would be as unlikely to bend on my position as she would on hers.

That all changed with the flap on her latest book, "Godless". I didn't plan on reading it, and, in fact, didn't even know she had a book out until someone found her comments about the New Jersey widows, took them wildly out of context, and wrote a lot of words on their misinformation. You see, I'm a sucker for source material, and almost never take anything at face value, but want to review the work being criticized to see what I think. I've done it in my analysis of the LDS church, preferring the holy books of the LDS faith over the highly subjective works of their critics, and I apply it as well to works like the "Da Vinci Code", which I will not engage in serious debate about because I have no desire to line Dan Brown's pockets to analyze the work. Because of the recent flap, Coulter's latest offering is high on my "to buy" list, something LW couldn't accomplish in the course of two years of highly persuasive blogging. The Democrats, essentially, will be selling the copy I plan to buy (library books don't cut it for me...I'm also a sucker for highlighting), ironically spreading the very message they hoped to quash.

Let's hear it for Howie and the boys (or is that "boyz"?)

on Jun 21, 2006

I think you should post this over at DU as might last ten seconds.

on Jun 21, 2006
I'm sure that Coulter doesn't care where the money comes from as long as the message gets out there. Of course the official "DU" sold copies would probably have some red-lining and heavy editing done to correct a few things they see wrong with the book. I imagine those copies would look like they've been soaked in blood by the time anyone got them
on Jun 21, 2006

Her arguments are VERY compelling.  I consider myself a staunch "Darwinist" and her arguments against the theory of evolution are pretty persuasive.  Persuasive to the point where I'm willing to concede that evolution is a theory that does not have as much evidence to back it as we like to think.

Of course, that doesn't make intelligent design or creationism co-equals with it.  The problem is usually people who are anti-evolution are also trying to espouse the bible or "intelligent design" which is patently absurd (evolution may not have as much evidence as we like but its mechanics are straight forward and intuitive and don't involve saying "magic" or some "super being" was involved).

on Jun 22, 2006
Of course, that doesn't make intelligent design or creationism co-equals with it.

Good point, Draginol. I have long said that ID and evolution are NOT parallel theories, as one deals with the origin of the universe, the other with the origin of species. It is ENTIRELY possible for ID or creationism to co-exist with evolution. While I am not an evolutionist in the sense of MACRO-evolution, I will readily concede there is no compelling competing scientific theory to explain alternatives.
on Jun 22, 2006
my thoughts:, I believe in Creationism, but I see before my very eyes evolution at work, we are bigger as a species, stronger, live longer, faster, smarter {maybe! HEH}

I just cannot see why the two cannot go hand in hand, and stop the division between the TWO theories.