The journey from there to here
Published on June 17, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

Well, I've decided it's time to get serious about finishing a full length book. Because I still can't get the internet at home, using the material I've written and archived on this site is, at present, out of the question. So I've decided to assign myself a routine (I want to have the book on the campaign ready to shop to Publishers by late July-early August and have it ready to go immediately after the election). I can't measure my productivity in time spent at the computer each day, as 152 games of freecell simply don't count as work product, even when I win 80% of them.

And so, I've assigned myself a word count. 3,000 words a day will produce 50,000 in 17 days' time. If I'm faithful to this count, I can be well into a second manuscript by the time I'm shopping the first, and hopefully be well on the way to being published by the end of the year.

So far, I've been a good boy. But it's only been two days. This morning, my wife was preparing to leave for our three year old's T-Ball game. I checked my word count: 5400. Not close enough to consider myself "done" for the day, and I'm not going to chance leaving the computer until it's done. I know myself too well. So I tell her "Go ahead, I'll meet you down there. I need to finish this chapter (fortunately, T-Ball was cancelled because the field was wet from an all too rare occurrence of rain).

I'm not trying to blast out 6,000 or 10,000 words per day. I know I can do it, but I've decided that a more disciplined, consistent pace will produce a better product and make me less likely to "fall off the wagon" because I'm not burning myself out. My blog production has me confident I can easily produce 3,000 a day, though, so I'm keeping it at that number. Maybe later I'll increase it, but for now, it's a good round number to keep me occupied.

on Jun 17, 2006
You'll do just fine Gid, just resist the urge to write just because you feel you have to. Write quality, not quantity, and keep it that way.

If you are really thinking quantity, then just pay the C.O.L. to ghost write for you. He produces crap level quantity like nobodies business (as long as your readers aren't averse to reading pure fiction that is )
on Jun 17, 2006
Write quality, not quantity, and keep it that way.

LOL. I don't have a problem with quality, and that's another reason I'm keeping the word count at 3,000. I KNOW I can write 3,000 substantive words a day; much more than that and I might get sidetracked.
on Jun 17, 2006

Psst!  Can I sponsor your Home internet?  Or would that break campaign finance laws?  I know you will smear me in trivia, but I would like to help.  Seriously