As many regular readers know, I am a part time blogger. I blog from the library. Once upon a time, there was an unwritten rule that you didn't carry on loud conversations in the library. Thanks to cell phones, that time seems to be past.
As I write this, there is a cell phone user sitting across from me, yakking away with a family member over mundane details I'd rather not be privvy to in someone I don't know at all. The library has a policy against cell phone use in the library, of course, but what to do? Sure, I could go to the librarian and "report" her, but that's really not me. I could say loudly "yeah, we all have personal lives too, we just choose not to share them in front of people we don't know", but I'm not bold enough to do that. Besides, I never want to hurt someone's feelings, no matter how stupid or insensitive they get.
So I'll grit my teeth and bear it, and hope like hell she somehow manages to come across this article. Yeah, lady, I'm talking to you. I'm the bozo with the long hair and glasses and black shirt sitting right in front of you. And I really don't care that your bra is chafing.
There's your fifteen minutes, hon