The journey from there to here

"I talk to the trees
But they don't listen to me..."


So, Darryl Hannah was caught up a tree (my take on that is different than you'd actually think...but you'll have to go to my blogspot site to check it out. I couldn't post it to JU when I wrote it so I posted to blogspot, and I try to wait a couple days before syndication). This makes the second celebrity tree climbing incident that has made headline news in the last couple of months (the first being Keith Richards, leading one to ask the question as to what Keith was doing up the tree in the first place...but then one remembers that Keith was most likely not in a coherent state at the time, and that the tree might be a more reliable source of THAT information...but I digress).

The thing is, has anyone bothered to think what the TREES feel in these matters? In the case of Richards, it appears the tree wasn't too enthused, as it expelled him with the same force as he has so often expelled the previous night's refreshments. I mean, these trees are essentially headline news because, for a few brief moments, they were perches for celebrity asses. Look for splinters, leaves, and other tree related memorabilia to appear on eBay shortly.

I think there's a silent conspiracy going on, personally. These trees are slowly, but surely taking over. In a few years, what are we to expect? Ents parading down Rodeo Drive? The trees have been silent so far, but it appears no more! The great Tree Revolution has begun!

on Jun 16, 2006
Keith Richards was either drunk or stoned. Daryl Hannah probably had her mermaid costume on. Who knows? But the trees were obviously disgusted!
on Jun 16, 2006

You quoted from the CLint Eastwood Song!  I am impressed!  Not many know that one.

And Darryl Hannah is blond after all.

on Jun 16, 2006
You quoted from the CLint Eastwood Song! I am impressed! Not many know that one.

I thought you'd appreciate that one, Dr. I remember you listing "Paint Your Wagon" as a favorite of yours.

And, I am a fount of useless information, as my trivia scores regularly attest!