The journey from there to here

Note: This is the companion piece to my previous article, Hillary Clinton, Superstar.

As the talk shows rage on and on about Ann Coulter, it is important to ask why it is that liberals fear Ms. Coulter so much. Sure, she has influence, but she preaches largely to the choir, although she preaches with a voice that tends to inspire the choir. But that is not, in my opinion, what galls the liberals in this country.

It is my firmly held belief that it is liberal women, NOT conservative men, who want to see conservative women at home, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Because I know some of these conservative women, and they are often smart, insightful, and very good issue voters. In fact, I would be inclined to say they vote more consistently with their beliefs than do conservative men, as they feel that the liberal movement is a threat to their very lives, and the houses and homes they are trying to create. Liberal women want these women to stay home because they want to spread the myth to those somewhere in the middle that, like it or not, the female supremacist movement is where women in this country are headed, and that these women should be prepared to lead, follow, or get out of the way. They are hoping, basically, that women will vote with their vaginas, rather than their minds, to support the agenda of a quite vocal but rather small minority.

Ann Coulter is a threat to their house of cards. She is not the homely, frock adorned woman of the heartland home that can be mocked as a woman restrained by the shackles of her religion and her culture. She is not the quite, demure individual that women can dismiss as being parrots of their husbands' closedminded mentality. She is the anti-Hillary, yet at the same time being the anti-American Gothic. She is capable, intelligent, sharp and short, everything the shrewish female supremacists who wish to destroy this country fear in an opponent. She is also attractive, a definite counter to the dour faces of the lesbian militia who stand in front of television cameras telling us that everything we know and believe is wrong, and that the sooner we realize it, the better.

From the perspective of those who would destroy America's culture and values in favor for an insane agenda of political correctness and intolerance of dissent, Ann Coulter is the most dangerous woman in America. By shattering every myth they have about conservative women, Coulter has destroyed many of their arguments. The sad thing is, many of these women are too dumb to realize that.

on Jun 10, 2006
"My love to Ann. Everybody's love to Ann."

A cookie to the first person to identify the source.
on Jun 10, 2006
SHe has a lot to point to outside her media persona, as well.
on Jun 10, 2006

The sad thing is, many of these women are too dumb to realize that.

That is the epiphany of the answer.  They really are too stupid to see why everyone does not agree with them!  At least in that, we can rejoice.

on Jun 10, 2006
The National Organization of (liberal) Women say that they are for the advancement of all women, but they can't put their money where their rhetoric is.

The fact is, the "women's movement" in this country can't point to ONE woman as their Conservative Poster Child.

The message is, if you are liberal, we'll bend over backwards to help you along. If you so much as DARE to speak your mind, forget it!

What they want are mindless mouthpieces to futher their anti women causes... not intelligent women who know their own minds.

In other words, they don't want Ann Coulter, they want the liberal vesion of the characature they draw of conservative women.
on Jun 11, 2006

What's in a name?


on Jun 12, 2006

I tried to vote with my vagina in 2004, but I fell off the table.


on Jun 18, 2006
You're obviously a Coulter groupie. Ann Coulter is a skilled walking vitriolic thesaurus and little more. Because of that finely tuned ability, she's captured a niche in the media and discovered the vast amount of money to be had. It's doubtful that she really believes the things she claims to stand for in that they're so constructed and gesticularly expressed making mirror rehearsals a likely necessity. Ann Coulter is a high class political snake oil saleswoman.

Glenn Disney -
on Jun 18, 2006
gee gid the anti-ann crowd sure wants to get there point across, BUT NOT HERE. so they prostitute your article with the dung of their sites.

The left fears ann, because she is not afraid to call a spade , a spade. period.
on Jun 18, 2006
You're obviously a Coulter groupie. Ann Coulter is a skilled walking vitriolic thesaurus and little more.

LOL, Coulter groupie. I defend the woman's point, and I'm automatically a Coulter groupie.

It is ironic that you would refer to Ann Coulter as being "vitriolic, Glenn. As a (thankfully) reformed leftist, I have received FAR more vitriol from my former contemporaries than I ever receive from the right (by the way, since you're obviously incapable of abstract thought, I'll spell it out for you: I'm a LIBERTARIAN, NOT a Republican...might want to look that up when you get a chance. And certainly not a Coulter groupie, as many here will attest).
on Jun 18, 2006

It's doubtful that she really believes the things she claims to stand for in that they're so constructed and gesticularly expressed making mirror rehearsals a likely necessity. Ann Coulter is a high class political snake oil saleswoman.

I love people who seem to know how the ones they are totally unfamiliar with think.  I doubt this troll has ever read her, just the liberal slant of what she writes.

on Jun 18, 2006

And certainly not a Coulter groupie, as many here will attest).

So Attested to.  I am Dr. Guy, a Conservative, but not a republican or Libertarian.

on Jun 18, 2006
You're obviously a Coulter groupie. Ann Coulter is a skilled walking vitriolic thesaurus and little more.
---Glenn Disney anonymous loser

I loved this line; Ann Coulter (or even Rush Limbaugh, as another example) writes with a lot of humor, using it as a way to skewer the liberal hypocrisy and looniness, and it's vitriole.
Al Fanken and Michael Moore do it, though, and it's hailed as an indictment of conservatism.
on Oct 14, 2006
Ann Coulter.......

What can I say............SNAKE