The journey from there to here


In 1990, Robert Koselik murdered his wife, Cheryl. He received a life sentence in prison.

In 2002, the state of Massachussetts began paying for Koselik's hormone treatment, as he demanded he suffered from "gender identity disorder", the fictional ailment many Americans claim as the basis for the mutilation of their genitals and acceptance of their twisted, perverted mental disorders as normal.

Now, Koselik is suing the state of Massachussetts demanding they pay for his "gender reassignment surgery", at the expense, of course, of Massachussetts taxpayers.

If Koselik prevails, I believe it is all but certain that other inmates who have convicted crimes will demand the state pay for such operations. And while Koslik may be sincere (frankly, as I said before, I believe the whole disorder is a bunch of hokey, PC nonsense), it is all but certain that not a few of these other inmates will not be, and will successfully secure transfers to women's prisons, where they will have unfettered access to women to victimize behind bars.

The solution to Koselik's plight is simple, and it involves a guy named Bubba, a good knife, and about 30 seconds of inattention by the guards. Once Koselik is relieved of his manhood, I am sure Bubba would be willing to oblige him in carving out some new genitalia, however crude. Prison sex changes will replace prison tatoos among a certain set.

Robert Koselik should not only be denied his request for gender reassignment surgery, but should, in fact, be forced to reimburse the good citizens of Massachussetts for the waste of time and money spent in pursuit of this action in the first place. They deserve better.

on Jun 09, 2006
The state should never be obligated to fund non-essential plastic surgery for inmates. They should never, ever, ever have to fund sex change surgery for inmates.

Can you believe the balls of this guy? (pun intended)
on Jun 09, 2006

First, I am betting the Mass Supreme court will order it.

Second, why does Bubba always get to have the fun?  What about Cletus and Floyd?

on Jun 09, 2006
Completely insane. This is representitive government? Horseshit, if you'll forgive the profanity. I'd be willing to bet you could ask all day in wacko-Left Mass. and come up with no more than a handful of people that would want their tax money spent this way. The people in charge should be fired.
on Jun 09, 2006
Hmmmm, it's ironic that almost every American knows the difference between essential and elective medical treatment except a few braindead judges. I guess those are the same judges who don't know the difference between essential and frivolous lawsuits. ;~D
on Jun 10, 2006
hahahahahahah this is so ridiculous, it's laughable....hahahahahaha. You've got to be kidding?

We think we're wise, but in all reality we've become fools. How much more foolish are we going to get?
on Jun 10, 2006
"gender identity disorder", the fictional ailment many Americans claim as the basis for the mutilation of their genitals and acceptance of their twisted, perverted mental disorders as normal.

Like you, I have very little understanding of this condition, and so I cannot be sure if it is real or "fictional". I certainly have no basis of knowledge on which to make a statement as categoric as yours (and so out and out nasty to people who are doing us no harm) and I suspect in your case it is prejudice rather than knowledge speaking. Therefore I have to go on guesswork and the best guess I can make is that, if people are prepared to endure the kind of nastiness that you feel called upon to express in such intemperate language, there could very well be a real need driving it. That of course is not conclusive proof - but then you don't have that for your spiteful and unkind viewpoint either.

Of course, always wanting to see a silver lining, your hatred and disgust for transgendered people may at least serve the socially useful purpose of sorting out the faint-hearted from those driven by a real need (if indeed the drive ever is real).

Now I'll grant that it is perfectly possible that in our rights-obsessed individualistic modern world, people may well be driven by narcissism to invent ever more outlandish 'conditions' from which they purport to suffer. (That, I gather is the conservative 'reasoning' for dismissing this condition as "fictional"). But I for one would want to be sure of this before throwing around language like "twisted, perverted mental disorders."

On the subject of whether or not tax payers should fund this particular surgery for this inmate I have absolutely no opinion, not being an American tax payer.

On the subject of genital mutilation I understand that the USA is still the only western nation that circumcises the majority of its male infants shortly after birth. Apparently this is paid for by Medicaid in 34 states.
on Jun 10, 2006
On the subject of genital mutilation I understand that the USA is still the only western nation that circumcises the majority of its male infants shortly after birth. Apparently this is paid for by Medicaid in 34 states.

Well, the other side of that coin is, the U.S. still leads the world in infections and other problems with uncircumcised boys. I have no idea why Americans have a problem with foreskins that other countries don't seem to have, but until we figure out how to keep them infection free. So it's still cheaper in the long run for medicare to cover circumcisions than the infections that seem to come later...

So, I say it still should be an open option.
on Jun 10, 2006
To ParaTed2k:

in relation to the foreskin thing... you need to wash under there occasionally (those that have a foreskin that is) - especially after sex, or, in the case of pimply-faced boys, after masturbation. Otherwise all kinds of biological products get lodged under there - and eventually go bad.
on Jun 10, 2006
To: any and everyone -

in relation to foreskins and not washing properly... that would be the origin of Rimmer's constant references to smegma, smeg, and smegheads, in Red Dwarf.
on Jun 10, 2006
Incidentally... I now have a retort to American complaints about the English and their bad teeth - we may not brush with the anal enthusiasm of Americans... but at least we don't have fetid feculent foreskins leaking infection wherever we go.

on Jun 10, 2006
On the subject of genital mutilation I understand that the USA is still the only western nation that circumcises the majority of its male infants shortly after birth. Apparently this is paid for by Medicaid in 34 states.

And you are right in saying that this, too, is wrong. But then I have a problem with the whole Medicaid system in general, not just the circumcision part.

As for the rest of your comments, my comments weren't bigoted and hateful. I certainly support the right of an individual to do whatever the hell they want to themselves ON THEIR OWN DIME. But my opinion won't change on it no matter how much society may think it's OK. And I DO NOT feel it is acceptable for taxpayer money to be paying for this!
on Jun 10, 2006

On the subject of genital mutilation I understand that the USA is still the only western nation that circumcises the majority of its male infants shortly after birth. Apparently this is paid for by Medicaid in 34 states

Well there's a big difference between the two surgeries we're talking about here. You cannot put both and lump them together. When my sons were circumcised it took like 45 seconds and it was done. I believe for medical reasons it was a good decision.

Having hormone treatments and then major surgery incurs quite a bit more time and expense and then to have us pay for it, is absurd.

When I was mulling over the decision when my firstborn son was born, a kindly old nurse that had six kids of her own talked me into having my son circumcised. She said she had seen 15 year olds in there having this done, and it wasn't a pretty sight.

but at least we don't have fetid feculent foreskins leaking infection wherever we go.


on Jun 10, 2006
and so out and out nasty to people who are doing us no harm)

1- Yeah, they did do harm.....that's why they are in jail.
2-They are continuing to harm others by forcing us to foot the bill for food, cloting, shelter, cable tv, and college education.....and now sex changes.
3-It didn't sound nasty to me. No swearing or outright venomous comments. Just a few facts.

So. MAYBE.....just maybe we should quit coddling them and make them serve the punnishment that was doled out. It's not a spa vacation. So if it ain't life threatening, we shouldn't pay for it. A little suffering might teach them character.

had to arrange to get a 90 day supply of all my medicines transferred to the jail's infirmary, or I would have gone without the treatment that eventually cured me of a pathologically provable disease.

No offence here, but you weren't actually dying. I think you probably shoudl have been allowed to finish tx since you were not a flight risk, but I'm glad you txfrd your meds. It was your choice. They should have to do the same.

on Jun 10, 2006
in relation to the foreskin thing... you need to wash under there occasionally (those that have a foreskin that is) - especially after sex, or, in the case of pimply-faced boys, after masturbation. Otherwise all kinds of biological products get lodged under there - and eventually go bad.

I know, which is why I'm just as happy my folks chose to snip me and we chose to snip our boys...

Some call it "mutilation", I just call it preventative medicine ;~D.
on Jun 10, 2006

On the subject of genital mutilation I understand that the USA is still the only western nation that circumcises the majority of its male infants shortly after birth. Apparently this is paid for by Medicaid in 34 states.

Israel is not a Western nation?