In the latest attempt to create a nanny state, the FDA is looking to enlist restaurant owners in their attempts to reduce portion sizes to combat obesity. Not only does this overlook personal freedom issues, it will effectively do nothing, as all it will do is cause customers to spend mroe to overeat.
I said some time ago that I envision a future where individuals are arrested for public gluttony, and where parents have children removed from their homes because they smoke in the homes. I am beginning to believe this could include the outlawing of "all you can eat" buffets as well. At the time, most people considered my arguments extreme; however, given current trends, it could well happen in the not too distant future. As for kids being removed because they overeat, that's already happening; basically if your child isn't within the 33-66 percent growth curve for their age, you run a very serious risk of having them seized by a nanny state "in the best interests of the child" in some parts of our country.
It is not much of a stretch to see FDA "agents" complaining when their attempts to control our weight are not successful, and demanding enforcement methods to ensure that we control our weight, because the "government knows what is best". In addition to public gluttony laws, this could well include tracking of our purchases and offering "counselling" to families known to purchase inordinate amounts of hohos. The government does not belong in the restaurant business, nor in fact does it belong in my life, making decisions for me that I was meant to make for myself. We should do everything we can to restrict the government from legislating portion sizes.